
Mar 11, 2002
My latest USPS encounter - the lovely lady behind the counter asked what was in the package as I was insuring it. I told her it was a knife (mistake number 1). She immediately asked to open the package and make sure it was "packed" correctly. (I pack a lot of knives, so I figure I can handle this task.) I tell her she can't open it and that it is packed adequately. She asks me how I would know whether it was done correctly as "postal workers get stabbed all the time" by knives incorrectly packaged. So, I tell her I am more than capable - and would love to explain it to her supervisor. She finally accepts the package. To me, it is just another example of the government intruding one step too far under the guise of safety.
That's what's nice about living in the country, my Postal Worker(Jim), knows me, and everyone else in town.

Our conversation, as I ship knives, goes something like this,"Hey Jim, What's up? How's the family?". "Fine, fine." he say's, "Hows yours?"

"Just ducky", I tell him.

"Jim I'd like this sent Priorty Mail, with delivery confirmation, oh yeah, and insured for $200."

"What the hell ya mailin'? Knives?"

"Yep", I reply, pay my bill, get my receipt, and say goodbye.

Everyone knows everyone else, it sure makes life a lot nicer, and easier. :cool:
Do a search here on the forum. I posted a link several months ago to the USPS's own website right to the postal regulations and even cited the exact section to go to where it clearly says that knives are legal in the mail. There are two exceptions: automatic (a.k.a. switchblade) knives, and used soiled medical knifes.

So, search that up here at bf.c, print if off, and take it in and shove it in their faces.
I worked for the Postal Service for 22 years. We had a letter bomb burn a clerk's hands one night, and a psycho shoot another employee with a rifle, which he turned over to a supervisor who went in and talked him down. My station served the American Museum of Natural History and I don't really want to know what was in some of the packages they got.

I never heard of a knife or any solid object breaking out of a package and injuring one of us.
"postal workers get stabbed all the time"

You should ask her what not being able to control thier employees has to do with you shipping a package? ;)

If I'm asked how it's wrapped, I tell them. No probs yet.