Utility for sale


Part Time Knifemaker, Moderator
Sep 10, 2007
Here is a one off utility knife.
1/8" O1 heat treated by Peters to 59-60. Flat ground
4" blade, 9" OAL
Curly Mirindiba with nat micarta pins, SS tube. Pics don't show the beauty of this wood. Very curly and very hard
Antique finish
Black leather sheath by JDO Custom Leather
$165.00 shipped
Paypal is Mabowden14@gmail.com

Good to see you making knives again Chris. That's one sick looking blade, love it man.
Thanks Warrior, it is fun again!!!!!
Its yours Ben, thank you sir
Good that it's fun again. I really like that you make handles on your knives big enough for people like me with big hands.
Curly Mirindiba with nat micarta pins, SS tube. Pics don't show the beauty of this wood. Very curly and very hard

You can say that again! Such a great looking knife! Hopefully one of these days I'll have some time to actually use it instead of just staring at it.

Thanks again Chris!