
Dec 28, 2002
I just bought a new Vapor at Wal-Mart today. Just a little question for everyone. I can barely wiggle the thumbstud, and I can also rotate it and watch the screw on the opposite side turn (only a right stud..lefty inoperable) Should I exchange it, or are they all this way? Other than that, the knife is great for the money. When I open the knife, no problems, its all good. Just don't know if its supposed to wiggle very slightly and rotate like that.
Did you try tightening the screw first, I believe it is a standard philips. If this doesn't work, then just exchange it. I have one and the thumb stud doesn't move.
None of mine have that wiggle. Try to tighten it...if that doesn't work, as mentioned, send her back!
Mine became fairly loose. I put a drop of blue lock-tite on it and it's been fine ever since.