Veff serration woes

Jan 15, 2013
Hey everyone, I'm new to the forum and fairly new to the knife world as well, and I've got a question about the "Veff" serrations on CRKT knives. Recently, I bought an M-16 14SFG model with the Veff Serrations. All was well and good until I put it to use on a small piece of hardwood. The Serrated portion of the blade quickly failed, Chipping out in one place and rolling over in other. I want to stress that I was not chopping, hacking, performing a push cut, twisting the blade, or stressing the knife beyond it's abilities (or so I thought). With some work on the sharpening stones and rod, I was able to get the serrations serviceable again, but that does not remove any of the disappointment of the original blade failure. Has anyone else had a problem with these blades? And, if so, what would you do to avoid it happening again? Thanks very much in advance.
Did the same thing on some wood the first day I got my knife. Once you sharpen the chips out a few times it gets better
so...once your knife design fails a few times, and you have to fix it a few times, then it get's better...

I'm glad to run into this post, as I've seriously been considering shipping Mr. Veff my favorite PE knife to add serrations to. Not now though.

Thanks guys.
so...once your knife design fails a few times, and you have to fix it a few times, then it get's better...

I'm glad to run into this post, as I've seriously been considering shipping Mr. Veff my favorite PE knife to add serrations to. Not now though.

Thanks guys.

Seeing as how the knife in question was a CRKT, I would be suspecting the steel quality and heat treat, before the design of the Veff serrations.
To many variables to really say what happened, I have seen lots of damaged edges from "normal use" that you would never believe was normal use. There is always a reason and explanation for what happened and it will often be more complex than one often cares to know about.

As with most things, if you are not satisfied then you will probably need to spend more money to gain satisfaction. Unfortunate but true.
I have Veff Serrations on probably 20 knives in steel ranging from AUS8 to s30V and Elmax. They have never chipped, folded, broken, or anything else. If you use them for their intended purpose of slicing they will last and not be damaged. The flat tops were added as an option. A knife is not a saw, pry bar, screwdriver, or log splitter unless you buy one designed for that intended purpose. Veff Serrations cut rope, leather, cardboard, meat, etc. They do not hack, slash (depending), or chop. Most users I have read on the web who want to put a blade through its paces do not seem to realize they are committing knife abuse. These kinds of tests are designed to make the blade fail and then they seem surprised. The Veff Serrations are designed to give a clean cut and not shred everything like a traditional serration. You wouldn't try to haul a washer and dryer in a Ferrari. Use the right blade for its intended purpose and Veff Serrations will work great.
I have Veff Serrations on probably 20 knives in steel ranging from AUS8 to s30V and Elmax. They have never chipped, folded, broken, or anything else. If you use them for their intended purpose of slicing they will last and not be damaged. The flat tops were added as an option. A knife is not a saw, pry bar, screwdriver, or log splitter unless you buy one designed for that intended purpose. Veff Serrations cut rope, leather, cardboard, meat, etc. They do not hack, slash (depending), or chop. Most users I have read on the web who want to put a blade through its paces do not seem to realize they are committing knife abuse. These kinds of tests are designed to make the blade fail and then they seem surprised. The Veff Serrations are designed to give a clean cut and not shred everything like a traditional serration. You wouldn't try to haul a washer and dryer in a Ferrari. Use the right blade for its intended purpose and Veff Serrations will work great.

1. Old thread is old.
2. The op had all ready said 2 years ago he wasnt abusing the knife.

1. Old thread is old.
2. The op had all ready said 2 years ago he wasnt abusing the knife.

This statement proves he was abusing the knife. The serrations are not saw teeth. Pruning shears do not cut hardwood either. No offense meant to anybody. Just education.