Vehicle Knife

I keep a Woo from Newt Livesay on the neck cord wrapped around the steering column, among other things.
Somebody hit a raw nerve?:eek:
I keep a CRKT Stiff KISS mounted under my dash to the rightof my steering wheel. Just the para-wrapped handle sticks out enough to grasp,and most people who ride with me never even notice it. Its purely for emergency backup- car accident, or whatever.

I'm not a self-defesetype, but I am paranoid about not being able to get out of my car after an accident.

My advice to you would beto makesure you mount it very near to hand; If your concern is, say slashing seatbelts, then you need to have it close enough to grab when you might be injured and can't move much. For me, that mean mounting to my right, because when you're driving, your left side is what's going to get hit.

I'm not adept enough in self-defence to discuss placement of the knife for personl protection, but I'd assume what I said above still holds. Some guy reaching into your window could imiobilize your draw stroke. Perhaps between seats or some sort of roofmount?

Gollnick:Really great info in your post. You gave me a lot to think about there. In terms of legalities people, I know that a prosecutorcould get anyone convicted for concealed carry of something as simple as a nail file. But my fear of being trapped in a burning car with a broken arm (Much more likely cuz I drive a LOT) greatly outweighs my fear of arrest and prosecution for concealed carry (very unlikely cuz I'm a big teddy bear) ;)
I don't have the knife there for protection tightwad. i live in a ccw state, if I want protection, it won't have a sharpened edge.

It's people like you who assume that all knives are weaopns that are signing the laws taking away our rights. a knife is a TOOL. Get a life. if you don't like the thread, and don't have real input, such as gollnick did, then just move on.

And thanks for the post gollnick, that's a very good point. And one, that luckily, I don't feel too bad about. Jsut went through this morning and cleaned out and reorganized my trcuuk, and the one thing that would ahve been flying around(one of those small 12VDC air comrpessors that was in footwell of passenger seat) is now safely secured out of the way.
The point that I tried to make and Gollnick did
a great job of explaining is that a knife of ANY
kind in the passanger compartment ( & not in your
pocket) pose risks of several types. If you are
concerned about saftey buy one of the special
"escape" hammers that will break glass and cut
seat belts to cover that base. They also make
one hell've a self defense tool. Would you want
to be smacked with the pointed end on one of them?
I keep a BK9 in the passenger door handle. Fits perfectly there.

I have had an hitchhiker or two look at it nervously while they get in the car.

I do plenty of backroad driving, so a large blade that could chop and cut practically anything is very practical.
Exactly Komondor. Some of us are concerne dwith a might more than just cutting a seat belt or similar. Which is why I also have a hatchet and a gi surplus trifold with one edge sharpened. That shovel has gotten me out of several jams with my old caddy. Needed a little help sometimes from the shovel or other things, but that 350 could get me through most anything. :)