Vice Anodized Finish

Daniel Fairly Knives

Full Time Knifemaker
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Jan 9, 2011
Press Play on the video, this is necessary.


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Haha! That pattern does scream of 1992! You wearing your pastel shirt, sport jacket, and no socks with your loafers today?! Very cool, I would love one like that...

Haha! That pattern does scream of 1992! You wearing your pastel shirt, sport jacket, and no socks with your loafers today?! Very cool, I would love one like that...


How do you know this stuff! I'm going to grind a few more then take them to a secret off shore location in my cigarette boat.

I'm also going to carbidize the zero bevel side, I decided to make the main grind a zero bevel and put a microbevel on the presentation (back) side. More pics later!
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Despite the music (I did press play to get the full experience as intended), I still like the knife.

Looking forward to what you come up with as you continue to play.
Despite the music (I did press play to get the full experience as intended), I still like the knife.

Looking forward to what you come up with as you continue to play.

That music is pretty bad! I am a Miami Vice fan though, I just watched the first season on netflix and am addicted!

Here... Authentic yet better music! Play this for these next photos!

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Scaled down, that would look pretty cool on a small Atwood tool, something like a Sporkula, perhaps. ;)
That intro sure brings back memories. I was a huge fan of the show as a kid.
The knife is hella cool Daniel!

Scaled down, that would look pretty cool on a small Atwood tool, something like a Sporkula, perhaps. ;)

That is interesting, I seem to have a Count Sporkula that I could try that on. :p

That intro sure brings back memories. I was a huge fan of the show as a kid.
The knife is hella cool Daniel!


Me too, I am really enjoying watching it now as well! :D Thanks!

Very Michael Mann-esque. I like it. Will they have scales?

Much appreciated! No scales, it is contoured for comfort. They only weigh 3/4 ounce that way!
Miami Vice was one of my favorite shows of the 80's. It had Phil Collins, Bruce Willis played a bad guy before he was famous, Glen Frey of the Eagles was on a couple of times. For the times, it was pretty edgy.

I knew it was going to be different than most cop shows that had aired previously. In one of the earlier episodes, a bad guy was holding a little kid hostage with a pistol to the side of his head. Sonny was confronting him and the bad guy says, "You don't dare take a shot. One little twitch and I might blow the kid's head off". In a typical show, this is where Sonny would use some mall ninja move while pretending to put his gun down. Instead, he just shoots the bad guy through the center of the forehead. Sonny walks past the unharmed boy, looks down at the dead bad guy and says "Huh, didn't even twitch". Classic.

Then, there were his cars. First season was a Ferrari Daytona which was really a replica built on a Corvette chassis. After it got blown up up, Sonny gets the real thing, a Ferrari Testa Rosa, in red of course - or was it white? I wanted one of those cars so badly. I saw one in Redmond recently in the Town Center parking lot. The design still looks good all these years later.

Daniel, what's next, old re-runs of Magnum, PI? Ha! Loved the Ferrari 328 in that show, too.
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Miami Vice was one of my favorite shows of the 80's. It had Phil Collins, Bruce Willis played a bad guy before he was famous, Glen Frey of the Eagles was on a couple of times. For the times, it was pretty edgy.

I knew it was going to be different than most cop shows that had aired previously. In one of the earlier episodes, a bad guy was holding a little kid hostage with a pistol to the side of his head. Sonny was confronting him and the bad guy says, "You don't dare take a shot. One little twitch and I might blow the kid's head off". In a typical show, this is where Sonny would use some mall ninja move while pretending to put his gun down. Instead, he just shoots the bad guy through the center of the forehead. Sonny walks past the unharmed boy, looks down at the dead bad guy and says "Huh, didn't even twitch". Classic.

Then, there were his cars. First season was a Ferrari Daytona which was really a replica built on a Corvette chassis. After it got blown up up, Sonny gets the real thing, a Ferrari Testa Rosa, in red of course - or was it white? I wanted one of those cars so badly. I saw one in Redmond recently in the Town Center parking lot. The design still looks good all these years later.

Daniel, what's next, old re-runs of Magnum, PI? Ha! Loved the Ferrari 328 in that show, too.

:thumbup: :thumbup: Good stuff there! I just watched the episodes you speak of, what an awesome show. It is very period but not dated, a real classic.

Great cars, it's funny how obvious the kit Ferrari is, they wouldn't do that these days. I love that stuff!

Sailboats too... I sailed from Grenada to St.Thomas where I lived and back a few times, talk about fun.

I don't get a TV or cellular signal but I do get netflix, it is funny the shows I get in to.
Yep, great show! I remember wanting a cigarette boat, and now I don't think I would own one, all my friends have them! Although a little 30' Donzi express with a big block chevy single screw would be nice! A classic 90's design straight from MiamiBeach.

Funny about the testa rossa, the Ferarri owners club here in town has 6 of them that are regulars at the shows. I get a kick out of it everytime someone calls it the "poor mans ferarri" its nicer than my ferarri...

But I think this might be closer than Miami Vice to the styling you did...

Eddie Van Halen guitars...


Yep, great show! I remember wanting a cigarette boat, and now I don't think I would own one, all my friends have them! Although a little 30' Donzi express with a big block chevy single screw would be nice! A classic 90's design straight from MiamiBeach.

Funny about the testa rossa, the Ferarri owners club here in town has 6 of them that are regulars at the shows. I get a kick out of it everytime someone calls it the "poor mans ferarri" its nicer than my ferarri...

But I think this might be closer than Miami Vice to the styling you did...

Eddie Van Halen guitars...

You busted me! His original guitar was my inspiration on this one.
Man I loved that show.
Even Terrible Ted was a bad guy in an episode.

Frank too!:rolleyes:

Frank too!:rolleyes:

Awesome! :D Thanks for posting them, lol FZ!

Love the round spine.


I have been working on my spine rounding technique a lot lately, I have been going to extra effort to make sure everything is well rounded or chamfered.

On these integral designs it is especially important to have every surface well finished, I want you guys to feel them in hand and be amazed. The choil area is taken 1000 grit and is fully rounded.
This one is for sale! The tang is signed, something different for fun.

$100 with sheath plus actual shipping