
Jul 3, 2002
Not that kinda vice!

This kind:


I built this from stuff laying around the place. Except the piece of angle iron was donated from the feed store.

It isn't bolted down yet but it works. Gonna bolt it down and add a brace.

Loosen the coupling spin it around, hand tighten holds it in place.

2" pipe
2" coupler
2" plug
3 - 5/16th bolts
wood from the packing crate from Mr. Frink

Just sharing an idea, hope someone finds it handy.

Very nice version I have seen a couple yours looks very clean and un clutered. Have you thought about a couple of slots down the sides to allow the knife sideways.

Thanks for sharing I keep on meaning to make one.
Reg! Why didn't I think of that? Actually (never having used one) I didn't know why they had those slots. Thanks for the tip. I'll do that next.

Three other things I need to do:

1. Epoxy a steel insert above the top piece of wood. The bolts dig into the pine so you don't get full pressure.

2. get a meater bracket

3. Sand blast the pipe - it is ugly!

BTW the plug is held in with a single 5/16th bolt. Didn't think that would work, but because there is so much cast iron in the plug there is plenty of meat for it to hold on. I might JBWeld it too, just because.

Itrade, KEWL! :D :D :D add a stip of metal banding or band saw blade under the set screws it keeps the srcews from digging into the wood and shifting the wood about. learned that trick from an old weldor. :)