Video Review

Jan 3, 2000
I received Mark Stewart's video "Panantukan: Mano Y Mano Vol 1" and just finished watching it. Stewart is one of the late Guro Ted Lucaylucay's leading students. This is a good tape, though not of the same production quality of those from Unique Pubs.
It is 1 hr long, but contains a lot of slo-mo "filler" footage for effect that reduces the actual instructional content to around 45 minutes. He doesn't spend much time on western boxing basics, which is good because that has already been covered on Guro Lucaylucay's tape. What he shows are the FMA adaptations on boxing that make it "Panantukan." He shows the use of triangle stepping, use of the downward figure 8, the meet & pass, etc. All adapted to a boxing structure. He covers the use of "scooping hands", "cutting hands", and "punching the punch." Punching the punch is boxing-specific limb destruction. It includes countering a jab with a hook of your own directed to the nerve just below the inside of the wrist, or doing an uppercut to the underside of his arm when jabs or crosses. The demonstrators are wearing standard boxing gloves thru-out the tape. Perhaps this is to emphasize that this is Filipino "boxing." I train with the heavier bag-gloves, but don't like boxing gloves. They are too limiting and tend to give one a false sense of the effectiveness of your defense. Those big things can absorb a lot that would do damage if you were bare-handed. I would have liked to see the training done without the gloves. Easier to see some of the finer points that way as well. surprises here for me, but I picked up some good things to use in my own Panantukan practice. If you're interested in blending your FMA with some western boxing, this tape as a follow-up to Guro Lucaylucay's video for Unique would be an excellent combination.


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