WA Earthquake

Dec 20, 2000
I emailed a few of the forumites I know in Washington and so far the news doesn't look bad. So far I haven't heard from Roger or Howard, but Brent says it wasn't bad where he is. His worse was having a $700 chainsaw fall off the shelf. Hope that any other Washingtonians seeing this keep us posted.

My main worry is that I have people in the Puget Sound and Juan de Fucas.

Watakushi Wa Shinajin Desu

Movement, transcends movement, transcends thought--Zazen Mantra

[This message has been edited by DeathDancer (edited 02-28-2001).]
Our Bellevue office building was shaking pretty hard, I can see how some people could get seasick from these things.
My desk is still covered with little bits of debris from the ceiling.

First thing I did was call home and make sure that none of my khuks had fallen off of their shelf...

Hope everyone else is okay.
Hey, I got off work early! Yahoo!

A little lesson. I had to enter the airport just before the quake hit, so I took off my coat, all knives, leatherman, micra, and metal stuff and left them in my truck for ease of passage through the detectors. I was inside when the quake hit, more naked than I have been in some time.

Turns out I didn't need that stuff. I guess I came in to this funny place naked and I should be ready to deal with it that way if necessary. But next time I'll keep the micra in my pocket.
Everything's fine here. my stihl took a 6' drop to a concrete floor but apparently wasn't damaged!The (west) germans build a quality product.Thank God it looks like noone was killed! I think we were very fortunate it's been so dry this year,most years the ground would be completely saturated now.The mudslides would have cost many lives.My folks live upstream from the cedar river where it's blocked by a slide,it looks like they'll be OK though some of their neighbors are in a bad spot.As always,my dog was a valuable tool in this situation,I knew somethimg was up a full 10 sec. before I felt the quake. hope to hear from the rest of the WA forumites. Roger? Ron? how you doing?
O<, I was going up an isle in Costco when the quake hit. The floor started to roll and I looked up and saw the storage racks starting to sway back and forth loaded with heavy stuff. Got my butt out of the isle and the store was evacuated. A house 2 places from me has bad damage on its brick chimney and it looks like it will fall with just a small breeze either on her house or the one next to me. A newly remodeled tavern ( The BlueJacket) across the street from where I live had all of the front fall into the street(more bricks) and has been closed off into the 2 lanes of the street (Navel Avenue).
The 2 bridges that run from West Bremerton to East Bremerton are both closed at this time. This was the worse quake I have ever experienced. I usually get kind of a kick out of an earthquake but this one was just plain SCARY
Brent, glad your saw is ok. All of the knives that I have hanging are still hanging and aside from some broken glasses and tableware from the cupboards flying open in the kitchen, I don't see any damage to my very old house.
The news reports are showing more and more severe damage around the Puget Sound AND THIS IS NOT THE BIG ONE! THEY SAY!

Bremerton, Washington

[This message has been edited by muzzleup (edited 02-28-2001).]

[This message has been edited by muzzleup (edited 02-28-2001).]
Extremely scary. If it had been 15 miles deep instead of 30 miles deep, the damage would have been catastrophic. As it is the damage to the roads and buildings was bad enough. The governor just estimated one BILLION dollars so far.....

6.8 is the worst since 1949. It wasn't even on the major faultline, so it wasn't THE BIG ONE everyone knows is coming.

Thanks everyone for thinking about us up here!
The earthquakes are one reason I left So Cal and the Northwest. I love it up there, but when the ground starts to shake it scares the hell out of me!!!!
At least here in Oklahoma you can hide from a twister!!!

But the fault over in Missouri is gonna act up again one of these years causeing untold damage because earthquakes aren't built for in this part of the country.
No place on earth is safe from everything, but man the earthquakes are just more than I can handle!!!

Just really glad everyone is alright and for what I guess could be called a miracle that no one lost their lives.
It's a wonder that it wasn't as bad as that big one in California that hurt and killed so many.


Indin word for lousy hunter.

[This message has been edited by Yvsa (edited 03-01-2001).]
This earthquake sort of reminds me of the quake of 1969. Shopping in a drugstore when everything started to sway. I knew we were in trouble when the drop light fixtures started hitting the ceiling. I am so glad that the reports report relatively minor damage--especially in the areas that our fellow HIKV sufferers live!!

Personally, I'd move that chainsaw to a lower shelf, Brent.

Oh, and "glock99" in Aberdeen, WA reports everything okay.

Watakushi Wa Shinajin Desu

Movement, transcends movement, transcends thought--Zazen Mantra
Over a billion in damage to property and roads.

It is not fun at all to work 45 miles from where your wife works and your son goes to school and be in a large quake. I couldn't contact my wife for over an hour and my son's school for 2 hours. I was very relieved to hear her voice. Very.

Immediately after it stopped, I would not have been surprised at all to hear that hundreds were dead. Where I work is on ancient river bottom soil and it turns to jelly in a quake and really rocks and rolls.

I ran out in the parking lot and cars were jumping all over the place. I guess what saved us was the fact that it was centered 35 miles down.

I remember 1965's big one, but back then no one engineered anything for earthquakes..now, most of the damaged buildings are old, turn of the century structures downtown in the historic district.

Even our older school buildings have been retrofitted with steel reinforcing beams to make then withstand days like today.

I am real glad I wasn't in a high rise building downtown in an elevator..I think I would have filled my drawers...
Already done Rene,the really sad part is I remember thinking"if there's an earthquake that might come down, and that would be bad" just a week ago but didn't act on it.

Thankfully it's a lesson that didn't cost anything.that's actually what I've been thinking about all day...very few casualties,just one death by heart attack I've heard of,but a billion dollars damage.

They say we WILL get a 9-9.9 quake in this area someday! that's 1000 times as strong as todays quake(9.8)I have to believe that would pretty much flatten the state. Can we really prepare for such an event? I don't think a slip on this fault line today relieves the pressure on the subduction zone that will produce "the big one" (which by the way, would likely set off Rainier as well,according to my geologist girlfriend) all that said, I'M NOT MOVING! I love it here even if most of my neighbors moved in from LA!

once again I'm thankful more weren't hurt,and all my knife buddies seem to have gotten through without damage.
I'm relieved to hear that all the forumites are ok. I'm in a newer building constructed on firm ground so the concern was ceiling panels and light fixtures falling on my head. I heard of people trapped in elevators which would panic a claustrophobic like me. Those people on top of the Space Needle sure had a wild ride!
they say the needle was engineered to handle a 9.1 quake but I wouldn't want to be there if it ever gets tested.Any of you guys catch the april fools day report that it fell over a few years ago?

khukuri kontent; my tarwar stayed on the wall where I'd hung it and my dui-chirra came in handy today while I cleared out a dead alder tree that apparently snapped off in the quake.
Say Brent!!!!
You might write a letter to Stihl telling them that your saw came through the fall with no damage and if they use it as an endorsment they might send you a lifetimes supply of chain oil or something.

And is your dui chiarra based on the HI Kothimoda?
That's one beautiful blade and I bet it's a work hoss!!!



Indin word for lousy hunter.

Someone I once worked with told me their Stihl had fallen out of a truck at 45mph and was still useable. All I know for sure is if my Mcculloch had fallen like that it would take me all afternoon to get it working right if at all.

My dui chirra(sp?)by Bura turned out like a cross between the kothimoda and hanuman,18" weighs about the same as my 18" WWII but chops better and has a thinner edge. I really like it.