Waiting time?

Jul 2, 2000
I just ordered one of your 15" AK's and am wondering how long of a wait is usual before the Kuhkuri will be shipped?
This is my 1st. HI order and is based on all of the good press on the forums. I got a sirupati styly Kuk on trade and was told it was a village model. It has a blade of about 13" but has no indication of make or maker and it came with a home made kydex sheath. Did not have the original sheath or the two little guys you show in your pictures.
Where can I get advice on how to maintain the edge on the AK? And what is the purpose of the 2 smaller blades?
When a KUK is stated to be 18", does that mean 18" OA or 18" blade?

Thanks for you help and am looking forward to receiving my first HI.

Bremerton, Washington

[This message has been edited by muzzleup (edited 02-14-2001).]
Hi Ron:

Your khukuri will fly tomorrow priority mail. You should get it in a day or two since you are pretty near.

All lengths stated in HI info are overall. One small knife, the karda, will come with your rig and you can use it for anything a small knife will do. The other "blade" is called a chakma and it's for burnishing the big blade.

Welcome to the HIKV club and keep us posted.

Blessings from the computer shack in Reno.

Uncle Bill
Himalayan Imports Website
Khukuri FAQ
Himalayan Imports Archives (33,000 + posts)
Ron please try here. http://www.bladeforums.com/ubb/Forum65/HTML/000401.html
It should answer all your questions about sharpening your khukuri.

And khukuri are measured from the top center of the butt cap to the point in a straight line for OAL.
I think there's a diagram of all the khukuri's measurements in Howard Wallace's FAQ's.
There's a link to it in any of Uncle Bill's or Rusty's post's.

It's highly recommended reading and will teach you almost as much as anyone would want to know about khukuris.




Indin word for lousy hunter.

[This message has been edited by Yvsa (edited 02-14-2001).]
Thanks Uncle Bill for your fast reply and sorry for the duplicate via email, you need not answer it if you care not to repeat yourself.

Yvsa...thanks for the reply and link, I will give it a shot and see what my old brain can learn from it.


Bremerton, Washington
YVSA, thanks for the post, this will help alot. I too have a couple of carbide rounds from when I was in tool & cutter grinding but they have been ground into scribes...hmmm now that I am retired I don't need a scribe anymore anyway ,
I also found a couple of rounds of T-15 tool steel, how will these work as a burnisher on the Khukuris steel.
Ya know I think the HIKV can be transmitted through the compter .....a new kind of computer virus....LOOK OUT!

Bremerton, Washington

Bremerton, Washington

If you are new to this group of reprobates, welcome to the land of HIKV.

While it's always good for new people to join our merry crew, it seems that more and more of you just persist in showing the rest of us up with those cute little animations.

First it was Rusty, then Roger, and now Ron.
I getting more and more frustrated just trying to log on!!

Seriously, though, you're gonna regret buying that 15 inch Ang Khola--it's such an itty bitty Khukuri to start. And now you're just going to want another one.

Watakushi Wa Shinajin Desu
Welcome, the 15" Ak is a good choice. The first one ak that I got was a blemished one. It is most likely the one that I reach for first when I go to do light spliting. I get a lot of ust out mine. I hope you enjoy your new toy.

Start saving now, the next one is already waiting for you.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Seriously, though, you're gonna regret buying that 15 inch Ang Khola--it's such an itty bitty Khukuri to start. And now you're just going to want another one.</font>
DeathDancer; I already have a Cold Steel Gurka Kukri, and a village suripati (sp?) and I was overcome by the "unbreakable knife" comment on the order page of the 15" AK. If it IS to itssy bittsy then I will have excuse to go for another one. Probably I will want the 18" GS next....damn this virus is painful to the pocket book!!! :<) and it is FAST TO ATTACK too.

Bremerton, Washington

[This message has been edited by muzzleup (edited 02-15-2001).]
Will, here is my comments about a "Brady waiting period"....PPPPFFFFFFLLLLLLUUUUUTTTT!!!, In fact Sara Brady can put that in her pipe and smoke it!
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Will Kwan:

There is a Brady waiting period on that knife as well.


Bremerton, Washington

I know that a lot of people think that the Khukuri Capital of the United States is located somewhere in the South....but it seems to me that inordinate number of members make their home in Washington state.

Just what's going on up there, and should I be worried?

I agree, @#$%Sarah+^&*/Brady!
And HIKV strike without warning! (A CS Khukuri

Watakushi Wa Shinajin Desu

It is supposed to be a secret but we are trying to establish Washington as the World Capital of Khukuriism. A kidnapping of Uncle Bill is in the planning to serve us as our icon of worship.

Yeah, I got the CS kukri before I knew that there was a REAL KHUKURI available to the general public right from the Himilayas(sp?).

Is there any serum available to combat HIKV? I think the sickness is fatal to the fixed income patients.

Bremerton, Washington

[This message has been edited by muzzleup (edited 02-15-2001).]
Those Cold Steel Kukris make good butter knives. Try chopping some real wood with it, and after about 100 hacks, pick up an HI Khukuri and blast through in one or two.

.....and yes, we Washingtonians love our Khuks, the ones of us who DON'T hang out at Starbucks all day in our Birkies and Dockers
Not to go off on a different tack, but wasn't it CS that coined the phrases "lightweight" and "combat" Khukuri? And Ontario has its "Survival" Khukuri--which I'm sorry to say I purchased before finding GS and HI.

Seems sorta like the term TACTICAL being put on every new/improved folder to hit the market in the last 2 years.

(Roger, where can I find a pair of Birks?

No, Ron, there is no cure for HIKV--just remissions and partial cures, especially when your significant other looks at the finances!

[This message has been edited by DeathDancer (edited 02-16-2001).]