Wanted - An Axe/Tomahawk/Hatchet/Etc Buy/Sell Forum

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I agree....the sub-forum would support the members and the members would support the entire forum... :)
I think it would be a great addition to the forums.

Do it for all the homeless tools out there :thumbup:
I would support this :thumbup:
Hello all!

I am a frequent member of the Axe, Tomahawk, and Hatchet forum, where we have a great group of axe heads, nuts, and enthusiasts discussing everything related to this family of edge tools.

However, one thing we have run into, is the complex, tough, and mostly fruitless endeavor of trying to buy/sell/trade axes on bladeforums overall. They are hard to find, go quick, etc.

So, we would like to see if it is possible to have a dedicated Axe/Tomahawk/Hatchet/Etc Buy/Sell Forum that we can readily and easily use for these kind of edge tools, in order to make the process easier, and get our hands on some axes!

I am not sure of the exact process of this, so it was mentioned to post here to get the process started.

As a forum in ATHF, we have already disucssed the following -

This is what we are basically thinking - (thank you Agent H)

1. We would like to start a thread where we can trade axes/heads/materials/sheaths/sharpening tools/ and Gear related to Axes, Tomahawks, and maybe wood collection/Tactical. All of these interests are currently represented here through posts.

2. It would have to fit in the current hierarchy of Trade forums but be different enough to warrant a separate sub forum for Axes and Tomahawks with Gadgets and Gear. (Might be an in for log dogs, sharpening gear, sheaths, saws, hammers, related tools, etc.)

3. Given the number of members who are interested, it warrants consideration on a main trade level.

4. The number of axe-related things for sale on auction sites are already potentially provided by members here. Potential buyers (first-time and collectors) who search tools values, intended uses, styles and patterns come to this site as Guests and then Members. More members = more Memberships and a wider audience for vendors/dealers/craftsmen/and advertising. I have a feeling that someone who wants to sell an axe already does so. *I think this is great.

5. Taking part in selling/trade would have to be dependent on someone being a member here and in good standing and doing so at the appropriate Membership level.

Also, with the above points stated, it is assumed someone will have to run/mod it. I am willing to do this, and if I have to increase my membership on BF in order to do that, I am ok with that, as it will benefit all the regulars on the ATHF.

We have a great group of core guys and lurkers that no doubt can and will buy/sell/trade axes. We will then also be able to pull in other members from BF as well that might be looking for similar products, as axes and the like range in uses from traditional, to bushcraft, to tactical, to hobby, to collecting, and on and on. It is a big enterprise, believe. As an owner of 500+ axes/hatchets, it can and will get ya!

So, I have asked that others reply and show their support of such a forum so fellow axe heads can come together and do business in the world of axes. Please let me know whatever else needs to be done with this, if it is possible, etc etc.

Thanks for the time!


+1 It would definitely help narrow down the search, if we had a specific forum to search for hawk related tools/weapons.
I'm in favour of having additional axe-related stuff (ie trades and sales) being offered 'in house'.
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