Warranty Question


Sep 20, 2001
Ok, I fully believe in the Busse warranty, although I hope to never need it. My question is this. What if you have a blade that is not being produced (Uncle Mofo for example) anymore. And during the course of normal abuse it snaps like a twig (no laughing here) How would this be handled? I am thinking about using the ol'Uncle, so I just wondered "what if?" I really doubt that I would really do anything to break it and if I was ever in a situation where a "break" would be possible, then the warranty would be the last thing on my mind anyway. It's a slow night so I just thought I would throw this out. :D
Oddly, the warranty runs out the day that the model is discontinued. In fact, at that point the knife is considered officially broken and unfixable. That said, please send your obsolete blades directly to me and I will determine their worth (minus depreciation of course) and send you a check. E-mail me privately for the mailing address.
"And during the course of normal abuse it snaps like a twig"

I initially had similar concerns about mine. After putting them to the test, I've become convinced that I couldn't significantly damage these knives merely with forces generated from my own body. In particular, my pole-arm experiments were very convincing.

I attached my Busse knives to long sticks, to make pole-arms. I swung them full force, two handed, from overhead. On a few occasions, I was able to land chops which wedged the knife an inch deep into hardwood. I did lots of standing on the handles and twisting, to get the knives dislodged from the wood. I also had an occasion when I missed the wood entirely, and landed a blow square upon a granite rock (the ground was large gravel). The blade only had a barely visible ding in the edge, which I was able to straighten again, good as new.

If you do break a blade which is no longer in production , I think the policy is to replace your knife with one of equal value (to the original purchase price).

Spearhead may be correct;however,...I believe that Jerry has a supply of blanks that can be used for warranty within the current range of designs, your mofo should be covered by a mojo blank. If the blank does not exist, or he moves on to a newer steel, then I believe he will then warrant your knife with a replacement of equal value represented by a new design.

Jerry will stand by his work, I know this from experience, you will never be dissapointed. Go beat the mofo outa your mofo.:) Doubt you'll break it.
spearhead, i believe that you have my BBSH:confused:

i could tell if i were to see a pic of it:rolleyes:

Sooooo.... would it be asking to much of you to please post a pic of a very used, well loved, BBSH:cool:

pretty please:p
Ahhh, skunk. You are partially correct. I do have a SH1 living at my house but, it is definitely not yours. I can't believe that you've lost sight of the one that recently came to live with you already... Probably felt unappreciated with all the company it had. Darned things do have a nasty "prima donna" streak...

I tell you what. When you find that pristine little number, send it my way so we can breed the two. As payment, I'll give you pick of the litter ;)

You are a "Giver" my friend. . . a gosh darned giver!!! I think that Skunk's Porkdar has gone off and he is detecting that early Birds Beak Steel Heart that you own . . . . I think you better post a pic before he jumps on a dogsled and heads north!!!!!


If a discontinued Busse suffers major damage we will replace it with a knife that is valued at our original selling price. So, if you damage an original Silent Knight, that are now valued at approx. $1,200.00, we will replace it with a $287.00 blade, since that is how much we were originally paid for it. I think I would "baby" some of the older blades . . . but then you run the risk of them running away to find a more abusive home!!!! ;)

Giver. Yup, that's me. :D

I had some pictures that Eric put up for me over at the other board. They seem to be little white boxes with a red "X" in them now...
Jeez Jerry! Are you saying that if I break my SH1 that I would be stuck with a replacement of something less expensive than say... a BA3? :eek: Man! My original assessment was more accurate than I imagined!!!:D It may be time to stop beating her :cool:
speargiver, maybe you could talk him in to doing it again? or i could do it for you if i had the pics.

it would be a shame (a stinking shame) for you to have a blade as long as you have had it and not share pics with the hogs.

come on... it's feeding time.

send them to me and i will start a birds beak thread with your knife at the top:cool: :cool:
Actually, I lost an enormous amount of email in a computer glitch. Can you send it again?
I gotta warn you SpearHead, once you send Skunker the pics. . . . don't be surprised if you see your knife on every milk carton that comes out of Idaho!!!!! :eek: ;)
Skunk, you have mail.:D

Jerry, I'm not concerned about milk cartons. My SH knows how good she's got it here...;) BTW, mail incoming.
Originally posted by Jerry Busse
So, if you damage an original Silent Knight, that are now valued at approx. $1,200.00, we will replace it with a $287.00 blade, since that is how much we were originally paid for it. I think I would "baby" some of the older blades . . . but then you run the risk of them running away to find a more abusive home!!!! ;)

Jerry [/B]

The Silent Knight? You mean a 10 1/2 in blade, 16in overall 1/4in thick A2 monster. The Grandfather of the MR. MoFo! This knife haunts me in my sleep. I have seen it! It does exist! :D Please bring it back:D :D