Warren Thomas w/h carbide cutting edge.

Apr 22, 2002
I was thinking about getting a Warren Thomas lefty folding karambit, Does anyone own one of his knives with the titanium blade and carbide cutting edge? How well does this work for EDC chores? Does the carbide wear out easily and if so what do you do when it does? Would the knife be "useless" if it wore out?
Also does anyone know if he has a website?:)
That's a question I have always been wanting to ask about, But never got a chance to inquire on.
Can't wait to read the answer!

I met Warren this weekend in Vegas. Super nice guy!! The folding Ti. Karambit weighs NOTHING..........NOTHING!! A very clever disign to say the least. Personally I would save the razor sharp edge for it's intended purpose and use a steel bladed, conventional folder for EDC chores.

Dr.Lathe: Yeah thats what I was planning on doing, but I was just curious as to how the carbide would hold up under "normal" use.:D

I don't suppose anyone has got any contact information for Mr Thomas? I'd love to hear his opinions on this, does he go on the forums at all.:)
Definately ! all Ti is for travel, stealth and defense. Not good for utility purposes. Go with a steel blade for daily chores. Ti cuts skin alright but doesn't cut through leather very well or denim as easily as steel. That is a great Kerambit design he's got there butI'd say purely a fighting knife. Good luck.....RDT
Well I've ordered it anyway, should be here friday-ish:D
I'd still like to speak to Mr Thomas on the forums or phone. :)
SMAT, this was the last info I had on warren thomas, 1705 S. Richey, Pasadena TX. 77502, 713-946-3964. If that doesn't work, try this guy. F.L. Howard 877-784-4364 ( toll free) he is a local TX dealer who visits warren's shop regularly. hope this helps.
Good morning:

I am looking at one of WT's Ti Karambits. There is a website www.wtknives.com that shows his blades and the contact person is named matt. He has emailed me back and answered some questions. I tried WT's 713 # in TX a while back and never got an answer. Is wtknives.com actually his website--there is no way for me to know. My guess is yes, but it bothers me that there is no way to check that if I pay Matt some $ that I will get a knife from Warren, ya know. Has ANYONE purchased a knife from Matt at WTKnives.com and received it?

This process is definitely interesting.
i've been curious about the Ti, CF, Carbide cutting edge combo for a while now, too...does anyone own any of his katana. i'd like to know how it performs. specifically the stiffness of Ti in a sword length. i imagine there would be vibrations when cutting a target. i also understand that the CF laminate could probably reduce the vibration but i wonder about the toughness or stiffness of Ti material. it might snap in two...!?!:eek: