Was this a good deal?

Jan 28, 2003
I went to the local gun & knife show today. while looking through a large display of knives I found a new in box EDI Genesis with the blac blade coating. Having just recently started collecting I didn't know the knifes value. I remembered reading about it in a recent issue of blade magazine as one of the top ten tactical knives of the decade. Most of the display was cheap knock off knives and a few CRKT and Cold Steel. The asking price was $139.00. I was able to talk the guy down to $70.00. I was just wondering if this was a fair market price or if I paid too much. The knife is mint as well as the box and instruction booklet.
sharpstick,the main thing is are You happy with the knife? That being asked ,You purchased it right as they retail for $124.95.See link bellow for price and comparison.Searching the net is the easiest way to obtain info.Much better than the old way.I learned by reading every knife mag. and memorizing as much as poss.tom.;)

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