Watch That Thumb!

Jan 3, 1999
Just a reminder to keep your thumb on the BACK of the blade. I was cutting some tubing today and placed it between my blade and thumb to push the blade thru the tubing. You guessed it. Right thru the tubing and into the thumb!
Dino -

It must be going around. This evening, I had just finished wrapping the handle on a Stiff KISS I picked up at the gun show this weekend. I was just about to put it away when my younger son said something to me. I looked up and unconsciously used the fat of my thumb to guide the S.K. into its' sheath. The only problem was, I had the sharp edge of the knife toward my thumb...

No stitches, but a nice tight taping job. Man, I hate having brain bubbles.

Keep the digits clear!

I recently found out how well a Commander
cuts by getting my thumb in the way.
At least it stopped bleeding by the end
of the next day!

Now that I have a firm grip of reality,
I'm going to strangle it.
I recently found out how well a Commander
cuts by getting my thumb in the way.
At least it stopped bleeding by the end
of the next day!

Now that I have a firm grip of reality,
I'm going to strangle it.
You all lose one corner off of your "Totin'Chip."
BTW, Does it count that I took a divot out of my thumb today with a Die Grinder? I mean, it cuts, but it's not really a knife is it?
(hiding my Totin'Chip behind my back)

I cut it, and I cut it, and it's STILL too short!

Bald spots on arms--a butterfly band-aid on a finger or fingers--bulge in a pocket with some sort of clippy thing hangin out--and a strange metal to metal clicking sound when these people are alone....
Bald spots on arms--a butterfly band-aid on a finger or fingers--bulge in a pocket with some sort of clippy thing hangin out--and a strange metal to metal clicking sound when these people are alone....
Gads, I am glad I am not alone...My left thumb has managed to survive repeated attempts to remove it. Once with a tablesaw, and the other time with the serrated blade of my leatherman. Other than being scarred, and slightly shorter, it still functions, so I guess I am lucky.


"Will Dremel for Food!!"
"No, it's a Vaquero Grande in my pocket, but I am happy to see you!"
MegaFolderians Unite!!
Dyslexics Untie!

Just thought I would mention, a trick a friend I use to work with showed me for finger cuts, I've used it for years..SUPERGLUE!! Sounds funny I know but it works for small razor type cuts, Cause we all know our knives ARE sharp! Do Not use it on cuts that need stitches. But its great for those small finger cuts that BLEED AND BLEED..all over the place.Just becareful you don't stick one finger to the other
(thats a whole other story in itself!!)
Just a few cents worth..Bart
When the Leatherman Wave's hit the shops over here I went to have a look at one and the action of the liner lock blade was so stiff my thumb slipped straight onto it resulting in the loss of skin to my thumb tip and lots of blood in the shop.

I have done this several times when opening a serrated or partly serrated blade too quick and my thumb slips, those serrations do tend to tear you up.

Harvey Wareham

Live Long & Prosper, so you can buy more knives :)

It's ironic that Leatherman keeps coming up in this thread. It was a Leatherman Wave that I cut myself with. Thank God it was not the serrated blade. The Leatherman really does come with some sharp blades. Because the blade was sharp the cut was clean and it really dosen't hurt too bad. Another reason to keep those blades sharp!

[This message has been edited by dino (edited 03 March 1999).]
I second the Superglue trick. It works.
Bartman, Does my name ring a bell with you?
I "discovered" the trick when I was stationed at Ft. Bragg back in the 80s and showed it to anyone who would listen. Just wondering.

I cut it, and I cut it, and it's STILL too short!

Hi Ken! Err... how does this superglue thing work? or rather, how does one apply it? Thanks..
