Water is warmer, sharks are hungry. April Plank Log.

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Brideoner - pill spammer reported by gajinoz, ColdOne, Karda, fp_tourist, pafka, Idaho Jarhead, & Rat Finkenstein.
benly Spam. Escorted down the plank by shotgunner11 with thanks to cjpgeyer, nagod and DaveH.

SALES Spam. Escorted down the plank by Richard J. Thank you to Shore08, welton, DunnzoBrah, Mark J, thombrogan, jonnyfgroove, ColdOne, babakanoosh45, johnnymac44,MValborg and Knife Geek.
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abu2 - spammer banned by richard j, reported by myright.

yuanfenya - spammer banned by tewca & Ken C., reported by CarpScot, nagod, Karda.
sherry99 - Spam tossed booted overboard by Ren with his foot (quite casually I might add due to intense training) while taking in the latest wondrous film on the Hallmark channel. :)

Thanks to Rat Finkenstein for the heads up in letting us know about it.
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kkkk55555 Spammer kicked overboard by Ren while he was eating breakfast and deanimating Geese and reading a book. :D

Thanks to senoBDEC, FortyTwoBlades and MacHete and DaveinNY for letting us know.
ater806 Spam. Escorted down the plank by Gollnick.

Thanks to YayILikePie, TKC, Brian_T, spiralarchitect, yablanowitz, Smash05, Bet That Hurt, Lock1454, JPD1998,Critter, ArchAngel, ronsec and tatsu for letting us know.
criminallawyer - SPAM and selling without the correct membership level.

Reported by Richard J.
reedsnow - DVD spammer banned by kiahs with thanks to reports by Shawn B., ken erickson, nagod, & Scot Free.
facttoringse Spam.

Nailed by Gollnick with thanks to ronsec, Roger999, enderwiggin and gajinoz for reporting the scumbag.
CyperhypegE - pill spammer banned by kiahs and reported by Shawn B., ColdOne, T. Erdelyi, nate 1714, CarpScot, JRB, Suveges, ItchyTasty, resinguy, & Ankar Sheng.
tommyjerry01- SPAMMER reported by Rat Finkenstein, Carp Scot, LX Emergency, Nordic Viking, Jaxx and Ramm9
TomOHawk - enough of his antics.

Thanks to those who reported his latest.
egghua - DVD spammer banned by LaBella, thanks to reports by Rat Finkentstein, Jax, Nordic Viking, bobofish, & alasome.

Sex spammer.

Clothing spammer.
pettyfox - DVD spammer banned by kiahs, thanks to samhain73 & Rat Finkenstein for the headsup!
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