Way cool idea

Sep 29, 2002
:eek: :eek: Here's a thought that came to me while touching up a coot blade with a mouse pad at work. Why not have SRKW and Busse have mouse pads made up with their logo? You could have both logos on the same pad since they are sister companys and they could be made to the same size as a sheet of sandpaper. So simple and elegant. They could be sold or included with a purchase :D. (I like the latter)

What do you guys think? Is this a cool idea or what? Or did I have 1 too many beers?

This is a good idea, but I think that rather than just any mousepad it should be a special material that can be rolled and unrolled many times, without damage to the pad itself, or maybe most mousepads don't have any problems doing that. I just think something good and tough for field sharpening would be good.

:confused: Not sure about that. I don't think the mouse pad would suffer being rolled up,but what about the sandpaper? Further study (and beer) is called for.

I used 3 Marine Corps Reserve camo mousepads for making my "rat-pads." I sprayed each of them and the backs of 3 sheets of 600grit SiC sandpaper (wet) with 3M contact adhesive, put them together, trimed the excess, and Voilla! (sp?)

The mousepads should be ok to roll, but I don't think the sandpaper would like it much. I just slip mine (flat) into my pack and go.
I guess I'm thinking of old mousepads like the ones that were at the schools and colleges I've been to. They just fell apart from being out in the air for awhile. In true I haven't had a new mousepad for years so I've got no idea what's out there now.

Ignore me, I'm a moron :rolleyes: