LarryLuana's post got me to thinking. There are alot of Gun companies, and car companies that offer calenders that show Beautiful women with their products. I haven't seen a "Babe & Blade" calender yet, and I think we need one. It does not have to be racy or in bad taste, in fact it probably would be best if it were pictures of the women in our lives with their or our knives. I like knives, and I love my girlfriend. I just think that a BladeForums.COM calander has been a long time coming. Ya think Mr. Turber would mind being flooded with photos of women with knives? Perhaps the site owners & sysops could select a few, and then post the pics for a vote by the members? It's too late to do 1999, but we can make 2000 just a little brighter!
"No, it's a Vaquero Grande in my pocket, but I am happy to see you!"
"No, it's a Vaquero Grande in my pocket, but I am happy to see you!"