
May 9, 2000
When I came on the forums today my post count was 4117. I posted a couple of times and noticed that my post count jumped to 4153. Any idea what just happened? :confused:
My guess is the function that adds up post count wasn't working for a while, and then Spark fixed it and it caught up. Did you happen to notice your post count wasn't incrementing for a while? I didn't, but I probably wouldn't have noticed.
I don't keep exact track either but I just noticed that my count seems to be off as well. In my case, IIRC, it should be a few hundred higher. :confused: :confused: :confused:
Now, I'm certain that my count dropped by several hundred. I went back to an old HTML page dated 7-Nov-00, before the software generated pages dynamically, and my message count there was 2059.

Keith, are you sure that your count didn't drop a lot rather than go up a little?
I reset counts after banning and pruning some messages, hence the different counts on your posts.

What, are you guys tying your self worth to your post counts? I know that's not the case :D

Originally posted by Spark
I reset counts after banning and pruning some messages, hence the different counts on your posts.
Wow, Kev, that's some serious pruning! I guess this was a band width/server performance driven decision but, from the sound of it, an awful lot of messages must have been deleted for my count alone to have dropped by about 500. From where were the majority of messages "pruned"?
Am I now considered a "troll"?Did everyone lose 325+ posts??
Are you 100% sure you actually had those numbers to begin with? Remember, our minds do play tricks on us.

Anyhow, when forums got deleted, or shut down, etc. that effects your total post count. It's not a big deal, it's not like you get a prize for 1 million posts or anything.

That is interesting, because I am sure that my post went up by about 35. I can see why post counts would go down, but not why they would go up. Maybe it is just that Spark likes me better. :p
No, Kevin, I don't know what my exact count was prior to the change. However, I do remember thinking recently that I'm closing on 3000. As I said above, I had 2059 posts on 7-Nov-00. Searching by name shows that I contributed to 448 threads in the past year. Allowing just one post per thread and without considering the 7-Nov-00 to 16-Mar-01 period at all, the total is over 2500. On that basis, I tend to believe my recollection of nearly 3000 is correct.

Since Keith is sure his count actually went up, is it possible that the software hiccuped (a technical term ;)) when being reset? I agree that post counts is not a big deal. (If not a million, how many is it for a prize anyway? ;)) Although that discrepancy is what first caught my attention, I am more concerned now with what content may have been deleted. If the count function didn't malfunction, there must have been a lot pruned.
I was proud of myself because I surpassed 2000 posts.Yes Kev I am sure.
I finally hit 700+ posts last week. I returned to the old pc to find myself at 530 something. :( And I worked so hard. Kevin, can I have a tissue?:( Thanx
Call me slow, OK:rolleyes:

Got clipped by a car on my bike last week and fractured my jaw in two places. Just got it wired yesterday, and I don't recommend it to anyone!

But, I dod notice that my post count dropped from #560 or so to #430, no big deal. But I seem stuck on some 430 time warp. Every post I look at in my history is #430, I posted twice today, both #430, will I be on post #430 forever:p
I can reset everyone's counts down to zero if you'd like...

In other words, it's not important in the scheme of things, guys, so let's not get bothered by it.
