Well guys, if you're the praying type, might send one my way.

Fletcher Knives

Aug 30, 2007
I'm in the middle of being diagnosed for a horribly painful back and leg problem. I was in the orthopedic surgeons office today getting all my xrays and an MRI done. I'm hoping that my problem can be fixed by something as simple as a nerve block or similar non-surgical procedure, but I won't get the results back until Monday. In the meantime, if you guys don't mind sending some smoke my way, I'd appreciate it.
Of course. You hardly had to ask. Many of us have faced a similar problem ... including me.

Be careful and don't worry too much. May not be tough to solve this.
Prayer sent. I hope you get well soon and keep a positive attiude.
Prayers on the way. I'll ask that you are returned to full health and granted the blessing of continued health and prosperity.
Been there..I will pray for the pain to end. I have had great results with the injections in lower and cervical disc injurys.
I am sorry to hear this. I'm going through the same sort of thing. No surgery, though. Physical therapy helped a lot.

I hope you can heal up fast!
Best of luck! I'm going in for neck surgery in two weeks. A couple of donor bones and a titanium plate to hold everything together should work. After that back surgery (I feel your pain, believe me!), followed by a rotator cuff repair. I fell off my motorcycle one time too many! The pain can get excruciating spine problems, but they can fix this stuff pretty well these days.
Will definitely be thinking about you. Hopefully there is a simple solution and surgery will not be necessary. Keep us updated!

Dylan you have my prayers. I had spinal surgery back in May so I know exactly what you are going through.My back was so screwed up I am in the middle of being medically retired.
Best wishes going out to you, I've had major back problems all year so I know what you are going through also. But, I'm MUCH better now thanks to PT, craniosacral therapy and Acupuncture. One snippet of advice, IF they recommend surgery, get a second and maybe third opinion; who you see REALLY matters! Surgery can be a godsend for some conditions, but is not always the best solution for everything. After 2 facet blocks and still horrible pain I got 2 opinions; one said surgery, and the other one (a very prominent orthopedic surgeon in Boston) said to try conservative measures first. I'm REALLY glad I took his advice, especially after doing more research on the surgery, which in my case would have had only about a 50% chance of success (of course the first guy didn't tell me this!)
The internet is a great source of info on medical stuff to help you be an informed medical consumer. Also especially if you are in a lot of pain I suggest having someone (friend/relative/spouse) go with you to your medical appointment, and help you with asking questions and making decisions. Make a list of questions ahead of time, and take notes, or have your friend take notes. When pain is bad it is really hard to think clearly, and you don't want to be making big decisions about your treatment when your brain is not in gear. Lastly, INSIST that they give you enough pain meds to keep you comfortable, which will probably include narcotics, which a lot of Drs don't want to give because it is a legal hassle for them. If they won't give you what you need, insist on a referral to pain clinic. Don't try to be a hero about pain, because it only makes back problems worse, and makes it impossible to do PT or other more conservative measures. A lot of people get pushed into surgery because of inadequate pain management. Hopefully you won't need surgery anyway, (Most people don't) but if you do, you want to be making an informed decision, and picking the right surgeon for you.
Anyway, best of luck to you, you are in my prayers, and hang in there, one way or another it WILL get better!
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Best wishes going out to you, I've had major back problems all year so I know what you are going through also. But, I'm MUCH better now thanks to PT, craniosacral therapy and Acupuncture. One snippet of advice, IF they recommend surgery, get a second and maybe third opinion; who you see REALLY matters! Surgery can be a godsend for some conditions, but is not always the best solution for everything. After 2 facet blocks and still horrible pain I got 2 opinions; one said surgery, and the other one (a very prominent orthopedic surgeon in Boston) said to try conservative measures first. I'm REALLY glad I took his advice, especially after doing more research on the surgery, which in my case would have had only about a 50% chance of success (of course the first guy didn't tell me this!)
The internet is a great source of info on medical stuff to help you be an informed medical consumer. Also especially if you are in a lot of pain I suggest having someone (friend/relative/spouse) go with you to your medical appointment, and help you with asking questions and making decisions. Make a list of questions ahead of time, and take notes, or have your friend take notes. When pain is bad it is really hard to think clearly, and you don't want to be making big decisions about your treatment when your brain is not in gear. Lastly, INSIST that they give you enough pain meds to keep you comfortable, which will probably include narcotics, which a lot of Drs don't want to give because it is a legal hassle for them. If they won't give you what you need, insist on a referral to pain clinic. Don't try to be a hero about pain, because it only makes back problems worse, and makes it impossible to do PT or other more conservative measures. A lot of people get pushed into surgery because of inadequate pain management. Hopefully you won't need surgery anyway, (Most people don't) but if you do, you want to be making an informed decision, and picking the right surgeon for you.
Anyway, best of luck to you, you are in my prayers, and hang in there, one way or another it WILL get better!

Thanks Beth. That is all really good advice.
Best of luck Dylan. Praying for good results, comfort for your wait time and strength for any type of procedures as a result.
Best of luck! I'm going in for neck surgery in two weeks. A couple of donor bones and a titanium plate to hold everything together should work. After that back surgery (I feel your pain, believe me!), followed by a rotator cuff repair. I fell off my motorcycle one time too many! The pain can get excruciating spine problems, but they can fix this stuff pretty well these days.

Best of luck and prayers to you as well!!! I had that identical surgery about 9 years ago. Doing great. Stiffness now and then but no pain anymore.
Definitely lifting up a prayer. Hope your better soon and without invasive surgery.