Well, I did it!

Jan 31, 2003
Hey Guys,

Thanks to all for your help in answering my noob questions. I just purchased a Benchmade 705 PE satin finish from Bayou Lafourche Knifeworks. Also picked up another Surefire G2 Nitrolon while I was there.

I got the 705 after hemming and hawing over the BM 556 mini-grip and a couple of Kershaws. What sold me was that I went to a knife shop today and they had a 705. I tried it out and that was it...smooth action, fit my hand well and the AXIS lock is a dream. Add to that the 154CM steel and G-10 scales and that was all I needed. I really had a difficult time deciding whether I wanted the combo edge or plain edge and BT2 coating or not. I performed a number of searches that led me to believe that the plain edge is supremely useful over the combo and that the BT2 will wear off in scratches and look bad after some time.

I hope this doesn't turn into an addiction for me...my gun addiction has already nearly broke the bank! :rolleyes:

Thanks again all who helped out and thanks for Bladeforums!

Nice choice! Now all you need is a 941....then a 806.......then a 556...then a blah blah etc
trust me, it's just a matter of time now!
You are condemned to a life of "acquisitional economics".:D Perhaps Spark can be talked into starting a support group.:p
NEVER, EVER buy Benchmade. NEVER

I had a collection of EDCs and 'show off' knives that I was adding to slowly.

THEN, I had a chance to handle some BMs.
I bought one 886. Then a 885, 880, 942, 551, on and on and on.

Now I'm putting together a collection of each of the 94X series knives.

When will it ever end?

BTW, can you tell I like BM knives?

Good luck.

Now you've gone and done it. Soon, you'll be wondering how come Benchmade is only offering tool steel versions of large knives (such as the 710, 140, and 806D2) and how you'll be able to get your hands on a 705BC1HS Forum knife without selling your soul. Then you'll start writing letters to Benchmade for a 705HS and consider every polite 'No, but thanks for your interest' they respond with as a terse and angry reply even though they were being very polite. Then you realize Easyrider, me, and many others have been begging them, too, and a bipolar (When you think both penguins and polar bears are cute) ask-for-the-moon/assume-they'll-drop-everything-good attitude will develop. One week, you'll try to rally support for a framelock AFCK with a satin-finished S30V blade, then you'll spend five weeks just trying to find an online retailer with a 710HS in stock. Or that could just be me.

That said, I think you're going to love your 705.

Thanks for the info. I'm pretty sure I'm in trouble now. I have already caught a bit of the steel bug and entertained myself with the idea of looking for a 705 with better steel but ended up getting the production knife instead. Hopefully I won't fall in the pit as I have too many other things to consider...hehe!

If you do fall into the steel pit, you might want to check out the Spyderco Native. Though it has a hole in the blade, it doesn't have a hump on the spine to accomodate the hole (making it not look like a baby crocodile like other Spydies). Aside from its lower price and better steel, it's in the same class as the 705: beefy folder with a blade that isn't too big or too small.

If you don't fall into that pit, you've still got yourself a great knife.