well, im finally done...

Sep 9, 2001
and thank God.

i call her "Big Ugly" and she aint much, but she's all ive got.



took way too long to make using free time. thanks to Rob for the idle and tracking rollers, thanks to itrade for the motor link, thanks to the rest of you for all of the help and advice about all the questions ive had. please try not to poke too much fun at my welds, i havent touched an arc welder in about 5 years before this...my learning curve is a little slow :)

now i finally get to make knives w/a grinder...thank God :) filing takes WAY too long.

ive got to do some finishing fine tuning to her, some fixing of this and that...some stuff that hadnt occured to me etc...but the majority of it is done...
Wow SkaerE! :cool: :cool:

I'm not posting any more of my homemade stuff. That looks sweet!

Clean design too.


Hey if you decide to make a PURTY one. Let me know about this one.:p
well thanks guys!

it honestly didnt cost much to put together, mostly just time.

lemme see, including all of the mistakes i made...

- cost me $50 for the 2 HP DC motor.
- i think i paid $40 for a 1.5 HP treadmill - i broke the motor though, shop accident victim :(
- the rollers cost me if i remember correctly, $37 for the idler and $22 a piece for the other 2. had a local machinist turn down the drive wheel/fan. cost $25.
- the metal was ALL scrap from a construction yard. picked up a crazy amount of 1/4'' plate steel. couldnt believe they were just gonna throw it away, but hey...thats the construction business.
- about $10 worth of hardware components (bolts and such)
- lotsa time behind an old Lincoln Buzz Box 225 Amp AC, about 15 sticks or so in the whole thing.
- some random angle iron i had layin around.

so total, what i paid was about...$250 or so. now that i think about it though that seems like a lot :)

but heck, for at least a little while i have a variable speed 2x72'' grinder :) (hope my controller doesnt blow up :))

it was a fun project though. got a real kick out of it. i have to say to anyone who plans on making their own (and doesnt have access to a full machine shop) plan ahead a LOT, measure everything 3x's, and build in a good amount of adjustment...it took me a while to get the belt to run right. and theres still a couple of little details i need to work on.
That's a fine looking machine there bubba.
I always like seeing the homebuilt machines and this is a very nice one. If you get a chance please post some more pics and details.
Congrats on the finished product.
I think that machine looks really great! Shoot, it sure looks better than some gals I used to date. And it is a Miss America compared to my mother-in-law! Good work, Guy!
Great looking machine.
Don't be supprised if it still feels like your doing a bit of file work. There is nearly always a bit to file. Even if it is only the decoration down the spine.
Clean looking design. Well done.
Nice design I had to come back for a second look. I see you have made it for a flat grind, but did you know that if you make up a set of curved platerns you can do a hollow grind without a wheel. It looks like your design is very well suited to a range of platerns.
Reg, curved platens could work indeed. although i dont think i would need them if i wanted to hollow grind. the arm that holds the platen is adjustable and i figured if i wanted i could always adjust it to fit a 10'' contact wheel. (i actually drew it out with a 10'' in mind, then decided that a flat grind platen would be better for me right now.)

thanks for the idea though. im sure a curved platen is WAY cheaper than a wheel :)

i added a platen today and started grinding. a few issues here and there, but all in all i think im happy ;)