Well Wishes for a Hard Working Lady

Mar 22, 2002
We've had seperations, illnesses, an anniversary of departure, an explosion of the HI line onwards and upwards, and the usual insanity.

Yangdu works 16 hours a day. There is no Uncle Bill to help wrap packages and post sales. It does not seem like much but adds up. The situation in the Shop has been in movement as well for nothing sits still. Remember Kumar got sick? We've new Kamis, a new shop manager...new new new.

Dan Koster had it exactly right those times he asked us to think of Yangdu's well being.

I ask now that you send some prayers and smoke and blessings her way. She's tired. She misses people. She caught a cold. She's worried about her family in Nepal; with all the death and destruction there, she will worry, who would not?

The shop can't even send a regular shipment. One of your moderators is the Most Despicable Man In North America, and the other is called NASTY. What does that tell you? On top of all of this, some folks have taken their marbles out of the circle because they didn't like the playground when it wasn't suiting them. Compare our petty problems to murder in Nepal, willfull, senseless, random killing and extortion.

Let's raise a glass to our friend Yangdu who has carried the load, who has quietly persevered, and raised the bar of HI to even Higher Heights than in previous years.

Hooray for her. A hero. Our friend.

munk said:
One of your moderators is the Most Despicable Man In North America.

Quit fishing for compliments, you are at best three or four on the list

munk said:
Let's raise a glass to our friend Yangdu who has carried the load, who has quietly persevered, and raised the bar of HI to even Higher Heights than in previous years.

Hooray for her. A hero. Our friend.

Hip Hip Horee!
Here's to Yangdu. Who even in the midst of Nepal's turmoil, saw fit to put out a splendiferous DOTD today.

Thank you for all that you do, Yangdu. You are appreciated. Smoke and prayers going up.


Don't worry about us Yangdu---it'll all sort itself out.

As for the rest: we'll send our prayers to help.:)

Don't forget to take time off--you're no good to the kamis and their families if you run yourself down and fall ill.
Smoke and prayers for Yangdu, her family and all the HI families in Nepal. Have to run to the malt shop for libations.

Thank you for everything, Yangdu

Prayers and best wishes for Yangdu, her family, and the extended family at Bir Ghorka. Hard times can't conquer those who hold onto their hope and their faith.

Ms Yangdu needs to take care of herself first,

the ship's in trouble if the captain's down.

Well wishes & prayers.

<:)> THEY call me 'Dean' <>

<:eek:> Caution: Not all ideas vented from this brain are entirely based on empirical data. JMO-M2C-fWiW-iIRC-YMMV-fYI-TiA-YW-GL
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