• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

    Traditional Knife Information Thread - make sure you go in there and read up.

    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

    User Name
    Serial number request

Wetdog...........you're awesome!

Oct 7, 2002
:D You're the top dog here at Busse right now!!;) The "you know what's" are beautiful!! And the other "you know what's" are very good! The first one I had made my mouth water!! Now that's good stuff!

Thank you so much!!!

:D :D :D :D :D

Hey what about all the good stuff I sent you....didn't you get it. I betcha Jerry is Hogging it all to himself.

You'd better ask him about it before it is all gone :D:D
Wetdog has all the right moves my friends. . . ALL the right moves!!!!

Thanks dog!

That bastard has crossed the last line, I'm taking him out myself.......Where's the Godiva phone number!!!!
You smoooothy hog-dog you!!!!:cool:
Are the blades you're getting still dull???;) :D
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


We lust after INFI but Team Busse has to LIVE it! Sorta like working in the mint. Great product but still....

BB and Shaggi need something other than computer screens and ringing phones all day.

Jerry needs a little R&R from grinding and a tasty solvent to cut the infi dust out of his throat. We can all agree on that yes?

I wanted to show my appreciation. No I have not received any knives dull or otherwise. (But to be honest I sure hope to:D :D)

Jerry,BB and Shaggi. Glad you like your 'you know whats'.

Oh yeah go ahead....kiss it up a little more why don't you :D

All INFI Hogs & Pre-Hogs that wish to protect their future INFI investments, side with me now!! We have a common goal and together that goal can be reached.

We must combine our national resources to deal with this new threat to BB...err...I mean INFI. Email me with your support, don't wait another second. This problem must be met by all of us together side by side!!! :D
Originally posted by Dark Nemesis
All INFI Hogs & Pre-Hogs that wish to protect their future INFI investments, side with me now support, don't wait another second. together side by side!!! :D

sign me up! i will represent idaho and help you squish the infi hogS:grumpy:

he's a traitor to the cause (backdoor sneeky bastid) all who wish to preserve the future of infi UNITE! :cool: :D :D
:p :p :p :p Ok DN I won't mention the 5 10" sub hilts to be delievered by BB at the Tiki bar Holiday Isle in Islamorada.:D :D

:p :p :p :p Ok DN I won't mention the 5 10" sub hilts to be delievered by BB at the Tiki bar Holiday Isle in Islamorada.:D :D

Originally posted by wetdog1911
:p :p :p :p Ok DN I won't mention the 5 10" sub hilts to be delievered by BB at the Tiki bar Holiday Isle in Islamorada.:D :D


Don't think you can distract me with a 10" ....what was I saying?......oh yeah don't think you can....10 glorious inches of INFI!! ...ack! must concentrate!! :eek: :D

Stinky, welcome aboard...RALLY THE TROOPS!!!
Yes we do love the presents, but just talking to all of you is good enough!!! You all are great group of guys!!

Hi BB,

Glad you liked your appreciation(s) or 'kiss ups' as SOME call it.

Jerrys WAS a blatant a$$ kiss,but not yours or Shaggis. He!! I haven't even called since Jerry asked us not to because of the military orders.

Gotta crash. 04:30 comes early. Have a nice night.

You are too good for your own good!:D

Skunk, we are in trouble here! Help us out!!!:grumpy: ;) :D
NO NO NO NO NO.........Jerry didn't mean for you to stop calling all together. It was only for the over runs. It was taking us longer to get the lists sorted out because the phones were ringing off the hook about the over runs. He never meant for you guys to stop calling all together. Oh I feel so horrible now. I hope you all read this!!

Hell, I took that post wrong also. From what he said I thought he never wanted to anyone to call the shop again :( I was so personally hurt and devastated, the pain is still there everytime I think about it...........