whacherass: stomach virus sweeping U.S.

Nov 15, 2000
Well gang I'm on stomach virus #2 in less than 2 weeks:( :thumbdn: Spent all day on or in the toilet. Had the first one last thursday-lasted 24hrs. Got this one this am--hoping and praying its on the way out.

So get your rest and take your vitamins gents cause this is NO fun!!

Good luck!
Thanks guys:)

Doing much better than earlier today. Light food is staying down--thank God.
First I thought it was a hangover, and felt like vomiting. Just never could. Then the diarrhea started and the stomach cramps. I was over it in 48 hours, but still weak for another 48
Wish you a speedy recovery.
I had it on NYE. You could see how if you were a refugee living in some camp where it was hot and dry how it could kill off large numbers of people.

Ms. Hollowdweller(Public Health Official) said there was this assisted living facility in town. All the residents went to visit relatives over the holdays and when they came back they all started getting sick. They started getting dehydrated and they started taking them to the hospital for IV's. So many of the hospital staff got it from them they told them to IV them in place. The EMT service that serves that facility started to do it. It wiped out about half of the staff of the EMT service.

VERY communicable:thumbdn:
Yes it is very communicable!!

I was taking care of my kids and my wife when they came down with it and I washed my hands constantly, used purell, and never touched my face with my hands once!! I still got it. It must be airborne--which is the scariest of all. How many of us have access to HEPA masks. I'm surprised the EMT staff didn't wear them? Or did they?
Sounds like it is primarily over in the East... I haven't heard word of it hitting us here in Wyoming. But I hide at home when not in school. :eek:
All four of my kids got it last week. My younger daughter is still not feeling all that great.

Wash your hands and don't share!
Yikes. I guess "whacherass" is to be interpreted figuratively, and literally. Our household has managed to avoid this one, so far. Hope all of you who have been afflicted are feeling better.

My wife got it Christmas day while we were at her parents. She kind of felt blah the day before. She thought it was from all the rich foods we had been eating, but it just floored her around 7pm on the 25th. Luckily, I never got it. Actually, it's very rare indeed for me to get any kind of stomach bug.

First I thought it was a hangover, and felt like vomiting.

I once mistook a stomach bug for a hangover and took some antacids to settle my stomach. Great big huge mistake. I got sicker than I've ever been in my life and spent a couple of days curled up shaking under a pile of blankets. By the time I felt well enough to emerge from my cocoon and take my temperature I was still running at 103 or 104 degrees. Apparently, messing with the acidity of your stomach when you have a stomach bug is not recommended.

Hope everyone is feeling better soon!
Yeah at first I thought heartburn, then burping, then when the waves of nausea hit I thought: "uh oh here we go........:eek: "
I got nailed about once a year when I was living in Norfolk VA, but since moving to central VA I haven't gotten it at all. Could climate be a factor? Anyhow, I recommend tons of Gatorade; actually better than water when you're ailing. "Replaces the salts and fluids your body vomits out" should be their next ad slogan. Only thing is, now I never drink the stuff otherwise, as I've come to associate it with illness.
I had this about 4 weeks ago. Would have left work if I could have got out of the bathroom. Prayers for those so afflicted.
Last week I woke up feeling dizzy, sick to my stomach, body aches and had to shuffle off to the john. It lasted about 24 hours. Today I woke up at 2am with the room spinning... same thing all over again! I had to hold on to the walls to make it to the john! Hope this time it only lasts 24 hours.
I hear this virus is only anally delivered, so i am not worried...

even if it was...if you live as I assume you do by your comment, with your head permanently up your A$$, how can you avoid it? :D :foot: :eek:
Okay... it took six days for the virus to travel from Rob's house to mine!

At least I'm dizzy as hell, chills, stomach cramps, no dieahrea yet or vomiting... but the day is young. I'm too sizzy to drive, so I called in sick to school. I'm going to hope for the best and go back to bed...
