Whadda You Do?

Aug 27, 2002
How do you store and organize your folding EDCs? I'm an old dog looking for new tricks.

I've got close to a couple dozen folders; slipjoints,lockbacks and linerlocks. They range from a 2.25" SAK to a SERE 2000. Some I carry frequently, others not.

The best method I've come up with so far, is to use Plano 3620 tackle boxes. They are made of a semi-clear plastic with a hinged lid with two locks to secure. Dimensionally they are 10.5" x 6.75" x 1.5"; with 3 permanent dividers running in the 10.5" dimension. The come with divider inserts that you can use to build cells of varing lengths.

I use two of these boxes with varying sized cells made up to fit the OAL of the knives.
1 knife/1 cell. Empty cell=missing knife, better go find it. In the extra cells I store pocket clips I've removed, hex wrenches, lube, ect.

Whadda you do???
Here is how I store my EDC's so they are easy to grab out of the office or put up quick if needed out of the way, aluminum S&W briefcase pick-n-pluck foam cut to fit the knives. Oh yea just looks kind of cool also and gives you a place to store papers for your knives receipts from buying them ect.

I use a bag that I got from Bladeart.com for my folders. Holds 24 knives with the inserts in and then folds over to form a briefcase type satchel. With several large zippered pockets I can carry a lot of other goodies in there also. Now to get it filled!
Now THAT is a system! First Class.

There are three problems with that type of foam.

First, it can trap and retain moisture. We don't want that around knives.

Second, when it's new, it can outgas chemicals left in it from the manufacturing process (which is why it sometimes has a slight chemical smell to it). Those chemicals can leave a dull film on surfaces which is difficult to remove (new cars sometimes get this sort of film on the inside of their windows as the various plastics inside outgas. These chemicals being outgassed from the plastics and foams used in a new car into a rather confined space ar a major component of "new car smell.")

Third, when it gets old, this type of foam can break down chemically. Aside from loosing its shape and padding qualities, it can, again, outgas as it chemically breaks down.

Professional photographers, for example, have used cases lined with such fitted foam for years. But they know that while such cases are great to carry delicate equipment around in, they're not the best for long-term storage.

The best I've found are Bills Custom Cases. Bill is very selective about the materials he uses in his cases.
I use one of "Buff's Custom Cases". It holds 12 folding knives, some as big as a CUDA Maxx or Buck/Strider and pads them well. It was a great value at only $20!
Originally posted by Gollnick
The best I've found are Bills Custom Cases. Bill is very selective about the materials he uses in his cases.

In Vegas, I picked up one of Bill's custom cases for my new Trace Rinaldi Enigma. I am very impressed with the construction! I plan on getting one for all of my nicer fixed blades.

However, I wasn't as impressed with the folding knife cases. The pockets seemed too small. If I wanted something for my folders, I think I'd buy the smaller single cases rather than Bill's multi-knife case.