Get comfortable this is a long one!
I work for the Fire Department as a fireman and paramedic. Early yesterday morning we went on a call for a lady who's heart had stopped. During the course of the call I stuck myself with a dirty needle.
OK not so bad, but come to find out this patient had Hepatitis C. Wait this gets even better. Hep C is transmitted almost exclusively by blood and the city Doc said until we have her blood tested I should take an anti-HIV cocktail...Just in case. Apparently a lot of Hep C patients also have HIV. So now I get to take drugs that make me P&P (poop and puke)! Actually so far so good, I haven't had any problems with the drugs, just a slight upset stomach. I should have the results of her blood test in 4-5 days and hopefully will be able to stop taking the drugs after that. City Doc also said that if I do contract Hep C they have a new drug that has a 98% cure rate. All in all a big bummer, but it could be worse. If she does have HIV that means no unprotected sex with the wife for 6 months
I'll let you know how it turns out.
On a lighter side. I have been dealing w/ and they are awesome. They are an internet site for tactical gear and gadgets. Lights, glasses, bags etc. They have great customer service. I ordered a pair of glasses for eye protection (after a patient puked in my face :barf: ) I promptly :barf: on her, just kidding. I did get some in my eyes and it was gross. Vomit has got to be the nastiest thing I have to deal with! IMHO. :grumpy: Anyway to make 2 long stories longer they sent me the glasses right away, they're awesome, slight tint and my partner and I quickly found that we really needed the completely clear ones. After e-mailing Frank at Countycomm asking if they carried clear glasses he e-mailed me right back and said they would get some in, in about a week. A couple weeks later 2 more sets of the clear glasses w/replacement lenses show up on my doorstep with a note stating if I liked him just paypal him the money! I was very impressed.
Check it out if you like gadgets and gear.
I work for the Fire Department as a fireman and paramedic. Early yesterday morning we went on a call for a lady who's heart had stopped. During the course of the call I stuck myself with a dirty needle.

On a lighter side. I have been dealing w/ and they are awesome. They are an internet site for tactical gear and gadgets. Lights, glasses, bags etc. They have great customer service. I ordered a pair of glasses for eye protection (after a patient puked in my face :barf: ) I promptly :barf: on her, just kidding. I did get some in my eyes and it was gross. Vomit has got to be the nastiest thing I have to deal with! IMHO. :grumpy: Anyway to make 2 long stories longer they sent me the glasses right away, they're awesome, slight tint and my partner and I quickly found that we really needed the completely clear ones. After e-mailing Frank at Countycomm asking if they carried clear glasses he e-mailed me right back and said they would get some in, in about a week. A couple weeks later 2 more sets of the clear glasses w/replacement lenses show up on my doorstep with a note stating if I liked him just paypal him the money! I was very impressed.