What about Boker and Emerson?

I don't know about Boker, but there appear to be very divided opinions on Emersons...there is another forum where you might find more talk about Emerson knives, but it is a bit taboo to mention it around here...
I guess ill try and help you out on this one... Emerson makes a really good knife. All the really good materials you would want,and from what I hear its a tough knife. Its going to be really hard to find a commander( I was tryng to get one) because rumors say emerson is in finacial probs. The only boker knive I will comment on is the infinity ceramic knife. I had one and while the advantage of having a ceramic blade(such as cutting power, blade hardness etc..) the disadvantages are a VERY brittle blade that can't take any lateral force. To sharpen a boker ceramic you need to send it back to the company for it to be done. IMHO its not worth it. I just bought a microtech socom elite knife. All the guys here that posted said its one of the finest production folders you can get. Hope this babble of a post helps :D
Originally posted by steve-in-kville
Ohh, that way. Sorry.

Don't get the wrong idea though. It's okay to talk about Emerson (AFAIK anyway), but not the other forum...
HUH!? Clue me in please :confused: I dont understand at all. If its not ok to talk about something, plz someone private message me whats going on.. Im still new to these forums and dont know certain things.

Welcome to the forums. It is fine to talk about Emerson knives! In fact, there is an Emerson Knives forum here in the Makers/Manufacturers section.
What Steven Roos is talking about is another forum called the USN. Please refrain from talking about that forum. but talk all you want about Emerson Knives! The more, the better. This is a place to chat about knives and other edged goods, so do that to your heart's content.

Aniketos, one thing I'd suggest you be a bit careful about is reporting rumors of things liek companies and financial trouble. THis is the first I have heard of it, and coming from a new member, it kinda sounds bad. Don't feel bad at all, I just want to let you know. If you have better evidence, maybe you could mention that. But still, even if EKI was having financial troubles, that certainly couldn't play a factor in them not being mentioned a lot. The main reason you don't here about them much is that people usually go chat about EKI in the Emerson forum. It is kinda like Strider knives- you don't hear a great deal about them in General either, but there is PLENTY of Strider chat on the Strider forum. Even somethign liek SPyderco doesn't get all that much chat. For all the models they have and all the bazillion knives they make, most Spydie threads in general are about the Endura, the Delica, the Sharpmaker, or whatever is the latest stuff coming from their factory.

Sorry for the long winded response!

Steve, Boker gets mentioned here and there. From my memory, I'd say that people usually chat about their A/F knives more than anything else. I think that, genrally speaking, the European brands aren't as popular in North America as the American ones. There could be a whole range of reasons why. But I'd say that of the pieces I am aware of that Boker makes, the materials and workmanship are fine.
I think Steven is just kidding saying it’s taboo to speak about Emerson knives. However a drop of truth is contained in each joke, isn’t it? Pretty frequently a discussion on Emerson knives lands in somewhat uncivilized tone because... :footinmou

Opppsss, I was pretty close to taboo crossing!

If seriously use “Search” function (if it is still available for basic members) and type keywords “Emerson” and “quality”, more than likely you will find a lot to read and think about.

BOKER (Solingen, Germany) is one of the most modern European knife manufacturing brands what introduces newest hi-tech methods as CNC machining for example. About 1,5 years ago I have visited their factory and it differs a lot from another Solingen brands (there are dozens of big and small knife manufacturers there). However – and it is just my opinion – they lack good modern designs. The best their knives – IMO again – Walter Brend Tactical, Bud Nealy Specialist, Michael Walker folder and some more are made after American knifemaker designs.
Hmmm, there are no knifemakers in Europe anymore?
Originally posted by steve-in-kville
Why don't I see any threads on these knives. Are they junk? Waste of money? Please fill me in!!


Well the Boker I've got's not junk, or a waste of money. It a 2002TH, whatever that means to anyone, it's a traditional folder with a 3" 440C blade, it's got burred wallnut (or elm or something) handles and the basic frame is made of nickel, with nickel butts at each end. It cost a fair bit, £85 I think.

It's a very nice knife, pretty sharp and it's got the best fitting handle of any knife I currently own.
I love Boker! They have a wide range of different knives. The toplocks are nice. The large Lockbacks, in pearl, exotic woods are very nice. For the money, they are great, long lasting. The pocket knives, stockmans, trappers and the sort I think are overlooked. Paul
I like Emerson knives and I recommend them highly. They are rugged, well designed and are meant to be used. You'll hear complaints about little cosmetic things like the finish on the handle screws wearing off, but if that kind of thing bothers you, you can either polish the screws to a nice satin finish or touch them up with heat resistant Rust-oleum Bar-B-Q Black paint. The good thing about Emerson knives is that you can disassemble them with without worrying about voiding the warranty and all you need are Phillips screwdrivers for the pocket clip, handle screws and a flat head screwdriver for the pivot screw. In my opinion, any QC issues in the past have been addressed by Emerson Knives so use them with confidence.

Böker has some nice linerlock designs as well as traditional slip joint pocket knives, sturdy lockbacks and fixed blades, but their modern one hand opening folders are no where near the quality of Emerson knives. The Superliner and the Brend Tactical are very nice pieces, but be wary of the linerlocks on the Gemini line as I've seen some good ones and some very bad ones.
Thanks for filling me in, guys. Point well taken on buying American. That's not to say that Imported blades are always junk. (I really like my Fallknivens, BTW) But we do have several quality knife makers within the US.

Originally posted by Aniketos
I guess ill try and help you out on this one... Emerson makes a really good knife. All the really good materials you would want,and from what I hear its a tough knife. Its going to be really hard to find a commander( I was tryng to get one) because rumors say emerson is in finacial probs. :D

Wow. Where did you hear that Emerson was in financial trouble? I know that they are back logged due to the armed forces being called up for duty. However, Aniketos, please be more specific rather than just saying you heard it with "rumors" (with a little smiley face, that you placed, no less!).

Also the fact that you are new to this forum makes we curious where you got information on Emerson's financials. Thanks.
The same rumor was being spread on the Spyderco homepage forums a while back. Same unfounded bull IMO. I have yet to see anything that would make me believe it.