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What about civilian chem/bio masks??

Aug 8, 1999
Okay, not being neurotic, just trying to think ahead. If something happened, domestic terrorism, I think any decent affordable gas masks would be almost impossible to find. I want something better than the janitor's hanky that is being used in the video that we have to watch at work! (he just puts it over his nose when he walks into a group in a cafe spasming and vomiting, then he walks quickly away, not even running, and washes up- to me the video was ludicrous and insulting, and smelled of the old "duck-and-cover" campaign). Anyway, I work at a V.A. hospital, and can't carry a big mask in, it has to be inconspicuous (and you don't really want anybody seeing one of these anyway). I'm buying a "nice" looking briefcase type bag (Skycraper model from Overland Equipment.com) that I can tote around with me as a new BOB.
I have seen the 'whole-head' models that are quite affordable, and am going to e-mail the companies that I've selected. But does anybody have any advice? I would also need one for a younger adult (10 y.o. female), and the only one I've seen is the Israeli youth mask, which they claim is also good for adults....??
Other than that, I'll have to do a search here for decent water filtration systems, cause I've been meaning to get one for quite some time, and this might be a good time (portable ones). Sorry for the long post, and thanks. I don't get over on this forum often enough!
Many of the respirator manufacturers (North, 3m, Survivair, etc) make 'gas masks'. They usually come in small, medium and large. I would think that the small would fit a 10 yo female, but if it didn't you could probably special order a smaller one. I would choose these over a surplus type mask.

Also, if you want something smaller, get a half face resprator with dual P100/Charcoal filters (organic vapor). This would proide better protection than a rag over the mouth, but it will not protect your eyes, or skin. Some chemical agents are skin penetrants, which is why soldiers, HazMAt teams, etc. wear chemical protective suits. However, something is better than nothing, and both will protect against many chemical agents, most, if not all, infectios bacteria, and protect against inhalation of radioactive particles.

P100 refers to the particulate filtering ability of the cartridge and it's resistance to oil- P is oilproof and 100 is 100% (really 99.97%)efficeint.

If you use a respirator (or gas mask) with a charcoal filter, leave the filters in their bag (or canister) and do not open the bag. Once opened, the cartridges will begin to passively absorb organic vapors from the air, which reduces their efficeincy and use time when you need it.

Also, make sure you have extra cartridges and read the instructions well. Particulate filters become more efficeint as you use them, and you know when they are 'packed' when you can no longer easily pull air though them, but many of the other types of filters, such as charcaol filters, will stop working without such an obvious notification, and you need to recognize the signs that they are no longer functioning.

labsafety.com is a good source for things of this type. Also do a search on respirators and you will get many sources.