What about those Jet performance automotive chips ?

Apr 21, 2002
I have been comtemplating putting one of these in my 97 Dodge Ram

and was wondering if anybody has any experience they can relate on

the subject? Are they worth the money? What other mods would be

needed or wanted to go with them? Any general info on the subject

would be appreciated!:) larry
it depends on what engine you have, the diesal engine really rocks w/the right chip, i understand, bully dog and chuck banks makes some good stuff for the dodge diesal, i dont know about jet.

my best bud just got an '03 3/4 ton w/the cummings, and no 1 makes anything for it yet, but, even stock, it runs pretty good,

I had the Mopar chip in my 96 5.2L Dodge ram. Had to run premium gas, as the chip advances the timing. It worked, adding a few HP, but I took it out when gas got so expensive, and sold it on Ebay. I haven't heard good things about any of the other chips including the Jet. After adding headers and other performance mods, I can honestly say that there is no substitute for a larger engine. I should have saved the $1000 I spent on mods and spent it on Knives.;) The whole performance industry is a ripoff IMHO. But your mileage may vary.:D


PS The above opinion applies to gas engines only. The Cummins engine is detuned so our Dodge transmissions will last. The diesel is capable of much more hp, but you have to modify the tranny as well.
yes steve, ya have to increase the line pressure on the tranny or it burns up ASAP, but the gadget to do this is only like $100 or $150 or so, and i think its easy to install on the dodge.

talked to my bud and he said that the dodge,bully dog and banks chips are the way to go, banks makes a kit w/the following:

*performance chip

*line pressure regulator for tranny (if its an auto)

*4" exhaust/tail pipe and muffler

*K&N airfilter system

*differnt springs for the turbo waiste gate to increase boost, ya just change the stock springs out and replace w/the new ones, looks easy, good idea ya dont have to replace the whole blower which is high $$

w/these mods they went to like 300+HP and 700+ ft lbs of torque at the rear wheels on a '01 3/4 ton dodge w/the cummins, and the kit was like 2K or so, now that is REAL improvement there, imho, 700 ft lbls of torque would be something to experience and would sure pull a trailor, i bet, lol

ya can also get nitrous injection and PROPANE injection, of all things, i won a 6 pack bet on the propane, it works like nitrous on 4 stroke engines somehow or another, but ya get a BIG boost w/that, and ya can also then add the nitrous also, put ALL this stuff on and it'd outrun my vette maybe.
