What an edge, what an edge

Dec 27, 2002
Well, I finally took the plunge. I synthesized all the data you all have been so kind to give me on sharpening. I put it to the test and WOW! Diamond hone, steel and the right sandpaper (with a little added abrasive now and then) and bingo. It's hard to believe how sharp this BAS is. I can't imagine swinging a 25 or 30 inch HI blade around that's this sharp. Thanks for all the help guys.

Did you use the sandpaper on a mouse pad or other flexible surface?

But Ben would you please enlighten us as to what you call an India Stone?:confused:
Yvsa, :D I don't intend to Sikh out an India stone. I tried using a mouse pad with the sandpaper and ended up nicking myself more than once. So, a light bulb went off and here's what I did: I got duct tape, went over to the kickboxing bag that my daughter bought (and used once), taped a large piece of sandpaper to the very flexible top of the bag, and went to town. I may just tape different grits of sandpaper all over the bag--up and down, side to side--it works! Thanks again for the patience.

Btice-- Great news! Glad to hear it. As an added bonus, you can get a good workout using the kickboxing bag. I sense a workout video somewhere in there:D.
Originally posted by Bill Martino
I don't expect the dust bunnies to change their ways.

Hee hee hee:)

I've been using an old Arkansas (I believe) stone to sharpen all my knives including my AK and it works good. Mom's Kumar Karda now eats cardboard like no other:eek::D. Maybe I'll have to try this sand paper out some time and see if I can't get my AK to shave.:D
Wildmanh, I was so impressed that I took a couple of my Chicago kitchen knives that I was using to trim up some venison for jerky out to the punching bag. Two minutes each on the sandpaper...the venison was finished in record time and I am wearing two bandaids. Sharp, sharp, sharp. Be careful.

Originally posted by btice
Wildmanh, I was so impressed that I took a couple of my Chicago kitchen knives that I was using to trim up some venison for jerky out to the punching bag. Two minutes each on the sandpaper...the venison was finished in record time and I am wearing two bandaids. Sharp, sharp, sharp. Be careful.


Wowsers! BT, I've got to try that one of these days. Have lots of sand paper for refinishing Khuks so I guess I have no excuse not to. Hey, if you want to see sharp, you should see my fathers old 1968 BUCK 105. It's scarry sharp and I did it with just a plane old Medium and Fine stone. I've got to watch it when I cook. After I fixed Dutch Oven stew last fall for my Outdoor Club, I found I was missing part of a finger nail and a little skin off the tip of that finger.:eek::D Luckily, nobody complained. he he he.
Originally posted by wildmanh
I've got to watch it when I cook. After I fixed Dutch Oven stew last fall for my Outdoor Club, I found I was missing part of a finger nail and a little skin off the tip of that finger.:eek::D Luckily, nobody complained. he he he.

All great chefs put a little bit of themselves into their cooking, Heber. However, I don't think most of them take it quite so literally.
Originally posted by wildmanh
I've got to watch it when I cook. After I fixed Dutch Oven stew last fall for my Outdoor Club, I found I was missing part of a finger nail and a little skin off the tip of that finger.:eek::D Luckily, nobody complained. he he he.

And to think Heber wanted to feed everyone at the Reno Khonvention.:rolleyes: :p ;)
Maybe he wanted everyone to "Gronk" him?

Just tzn Heber.:D