What are you reading now?

Sep 14, 1999
Since I won't be home for a few month more and am stuck on a big boat, I was wondering what everyone is reading?

I have the full 12 volume original set of Robert E. Howard's Conan and have been slowly but surely picking my way through. (on vol #3 now).

My wife is sending me the book Legend by David Gemmell. More fantasy.

I just finished Gates of Fire and Tides of War by Stephen Pressfield. I carried the Gates of Fire with me through Iraq and have made hundreds of notes in the empty spaces on each page, comparying their battles with ours.

That's all right now. My wife says I have 5 months worth of comic books to catch up on waiting at home! :D Can't wait!

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The latest issue of backwoodsman magazine, and the latest issue of Chile Pepper:Cooking Zesty.

I'm in the middle of 2 books...

"Being and Nothingness" By Jean-Paul Sartre


"The Complete History of Jack The Ripper" By Phillip Sugden
I am currently reading The Wilderness Empire by Allen Eckert. Plenty of tomahawk talk in there, and his books are very informative.
Been reading Stephen King's story collection, "Everything's Eventual." Before that I was going through Richard Stark, Joe R. Lansdale, Lawrence Block, and Glen Cook books.
Been meaning to read some Fenimore Cooper, I'll do that this summer. :)
Read "Everythings Eventual" when I was in Iraq...great book. Kept me company on some of those cold nights...which can be seen as a good (or bad!) thing...loved the new Roland short story in there...can't wait for Dark Tower #5...Calla of the Wolf or something like that...

My wife is sending me the book Legend by David Gemmell. Guess it is a "heroic fantasy" novel but the author used the idea of a fortress being attacked from the Alamo and the 300 Spartans fight at Thermoplyae (sp!)

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Sgt. Horse
If i needed reading material far from home i'd probably take lucifers hammer by larry niven and jerry pournelle. I'm sure woodcraft and camping by nessmuk would find it's way into my bag too.
These were really good......
But are these real?
With the timeframe we're talking about, and what you've folks have been through, do you guys know each other or what?
Great reads, but again, never been there, never done that....
but some of you have...
what do we believe.....

This MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND, I want to express a sincere "THANK YOU" to those of you who have served our country. While my elder Son has been in Iraq and yet is on "the big boat", his Mother has been reading Psalms each day.

Especially, I have been reading and praying Psalm 91 for him and his fellow Marines and service persons.

"He who abides in the shadow of the Almighty is sheltered... God is my refuge, place of safety, for He is my God and I trust in Him, He will shield with his wings! His faithful promises are your armor. No need to fear the dark nor dangers, nor plagues nor disasters....though a thousand fall at my side and ten thousand are dying around me... the evil will not touch me. I will see how the evil are punished, but I will not share it.... For the Lord says,'Because he loves me, I will rescue him, I will make him great because he trusts in my name. When he calls on me, I will answer, I will be with him in trouble and rescue him and honor him. I will satisfy him with a full life and give him my salvation."

The BOOK OF PSALMS is one of the best I have ever read. I encourage all of you to read what was written by one of the world's greatest Warriors - King David - it is yet relevant today.

I am richly blessed and reminded of it especially on Memorial Day weekend when I remember those who have paid the ultimate price... and those, yet living, who have served for my freedom. To all of you, "THANK YOU"...

As for Andy McNab's books...I think they are "entertaining" but far from real (if you do some research, there are opposing opinions on what really happened during their flight from Iraq back in 1991. Who know what really happened?! Only the men who lived it). I have a great respect for what McNab did (as I do for everyone who serves above and beyond), but what he writes...very "entertaining" as I have said...

On a lighter note...
Welcome to the boards, Mom!
How are you?:D
For everyone here on the board, I would like you to meet my mother,tootsiemaureen!

I don't know how she found me, but she did!;) :D

You will find that if (and when ;)) my mother starts posting and telling stories, she will keep all of my tall tales quite short! ;)
Welcome, Mom...
you'll find I post here almost more than I write home! sorry...:footinmou
"Poetry of Asia: Five Millenia of Verse from Thirty-three Languages" Weatherhill @ 1979. But I can hardly wait for the next Harry Potter book to be released!:D
To Crowinghorse's Blade Forum friends... He has emailed saying he is unable to post due to Operation Security and is uncertain for how long (?) He will get "back to BladeForums" as soon as possible.
Thank you for the support to Sgt. Horse while he has been in Iraq - he has truly appreciated it.. and as family - we are grateful for the communications while we were "out of communication with him" during the "thick of it" in March/April... Hopefully he will be in the USA in middle July... rumor had it they may be in Saudi for an extra three months... we are hoping they can come HOME on time - in July. Thanks again! TootsieMaureen
Legend is an awesome book if you like axes then this is the heroic fantasy that you must read! All of Gemmell's stuff is good but that is the very best.
Originally posted by jeyr
Legend is an awesome book if you like axes then this is the heroic fantasy that you must read! All of Gemmell's stuff is good but that is the very best.
Actually all of Gemmell's books will be of interest....I have all that are released here and now and then get to read some that are have been released in the UK first via a friend....or his friend.....and check out the Raymond Feist books.....action and intrigue...most excelllent...
Does anyone on this group write or plan towrite besides Greg....(hint, hint, Jess or Andy)......
I am back to posting! (Thank Goodness! Getting bored for a while! Found a good set of people over at www.Axeforums.com too though! Stop by and post!)
I have been writing for a LOOONNGGG time (since I was 6!) and have kept a journal while in Kuwait and Iraq. I sent a majority of my journal in to my home state's most widely distributed paper, the Des Moines Register (I am from Iowa). Follow this link to see my journal entries: http://miva.dmregister.com/miva/cgi-bin/miva?news/package.mv+Journey_to_War (six different articles with more on the way!)

We are enroute home now and I will have more entries soon.

My copy of D.Gemmell's book LEGEND also arrived three days ago and I have finished it already!:D Excellent book!!
My wife also sent the book PRELUDE TO A WARRIOR by Burt Keltner (here: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/t...002-2217890-5171266?v=glance&s=books&n=507846 )
This is another excellent book, but not as good as LEGEND!
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Sgt Horse
Sarn't Jess,
How do you get to post at all? What kind of facilities were set up for you guys in the Great Sandy'?
Right now I'm reading PARARESCUE-The True Story of an Incredible Rescue at Sea and the Heroes Who Pulled It Off. It's written by Michael Hirsh and is published by Avon Books. I know a great deal about the Navy SEALs, Army Special Forces, and the Marine Corps Force Recon, but untill I read this book, I did not know anything about the Air Force PJs or Pararescuemen. Those guys are some bad dudes. This book is a great read.
As a member of the operations section, I have access to a computer all the time (part of our job is monitoring the computers which feature our Command and Control positioning system). Whether we have internet or not depends on our higher headquarters having their server up...

While on ship, we have access to computers all the time (24/7) and are able to access the internet as long as the satillite is working...

Back to topic on hand: My wife got me all but one of the Drenai series by D. Gemmell. She did not get Legend of Deathwalker (book 7 or 8) While on liberty in Seychelles (small island off the east coast of Africa) I found a bookstore- with only 9 books in it (the rest were about Seychelles and the island) Guess what!? One was the book!! Amazing...an anwser to prayers! God must have wanted me to have that book at that time for some reason...
Read almost 100+ pages of it on the first day...Gemmell is now in the top 4 authors in my book...excellent plot and characters are amazing...especially DRUSS-Captain of the Ax!