What are your favorite types of blades?

Feb 4, 2003
For a fixed blade?

What about blade shape? drop point, clip point, sheepsfoot...any recurve fellas out there?

Smaller utility knives or larger camp knives?

Obviously it depends on the use, but I'm just trying to get a feel for what you guys like.

me?, I prefer a good drop point with a smaller blade but a deeper belly for hunting. I like a good almost wharncliff style small blade for utility/everyday stuff. I've had my share of camp knives...but really nothing beats a good Khukri for clearin' brush.

How about some of you?
Welcome aboard

My favourite knife type also defines blade shape, grind and in some degree size. My favourite knife is puukko. Small to medium utility knife with straight blade and sabre grind with no secondary grind - one can call it puukko grind. In some puukkos there is very slight drop or clip in tip area but generally the back of the knife is straight.

As knife nut I like many types of knives but puukko is the most dear. My second favourite is sheeps foot bladed, third....
My favorite all-around blade shape is a clip point. It combines a sharp tip for fine work with enough belly for skinning or slicing.

A properly executed convex grind is hard to beat, though I also like a flat ground blade if it is a thin flat ground blade. Of course, if cutting is what I want to do, and not chopping or possibly some prying, I like a thinly ground blade, be it flat, hollow, or convex.

I also think khukuris are hard to beat for chopping, particularly HI khukuris.:)

The only thing about a khuk not to like is that chopping is about all you can conveniently do with them. I know, I know, you can use them in other applications, but it is awkward, with the exception of using them as a draw knife. But for me, no knife can out-chop a good khuk.
Personnely, I don't really have a favorite shape.
I do love the randall 18 or 23 or 25 as I 'm a big fan of the puukoo or leukoo.
One important thing is the sharpeness, it has to be the best and the easiest to make (no problem with Maartiini or cold steel or good others).
I do not like very much to big blades (maximum size for me is 7''
and for EDC 4.5'' is the top).
I like good handle, with a preference for lether or micarta, with no grip.Even if on the first hand ypalon is extremely comfortable I hate it.
Small hilt have my preference (1 is better)
The blade has to be strong and full tang (some exeptions are accepted)
One thing I also look is the sheath, lot of knife are sold with extremely bad sheath (bad lether, to big, bad strap,...) Those that I prefer are the Randall A or F style.

See you
I like clip followed by sheepsfoot. Outside of my khukuris I don't have much use for fixed blades. Can't really carry 'em around SoCal without attracting attention.
