What brand of DVD?

Jul 2, 2001
I will be buying a DVD player next week. What is a good quality, reliable brand I should look at? What type of features should I look for? And any particular models? I do not want to spend more than $200.

Hey Komondor..

We just got a Panasonic 5 tray.. I like it a lot.. Good machine, although the menues could be a little more user friendly..

Look for something with MP3,CD-R,CD-R-W.. Probably most are now,,at least the higher end units...

You'll really like it..

If you like Ozzy,,get the "Live at Budokan" It's a simply outstanding DVD.


I and most of my friends have Sony units and we are all very pleased with them. On the other hand, DVD players have reached the point where just about all of them are at least decent. The biggest real differences are in the output options (composite, S-video, component video, progressive scan; 5.1 audio, coax digital audio, fiber digital audio). As long as the player you get fully supports the capabilities of your stereo and television you should be fine.

--Bob Q
$200 will buy a lot of DVD player. In fact, probably more then your TV and stereo can support.

I got a Samsung for ~$130 about 6 months ago. It a progressive scan with CD-R/RW and MP3 capabilities and output options beyond the capability of my TV.

You might want a 5 tray player to queue up a 5 MP3 music CDs. Progressive scan for picture quality and, Digital Dolby/DTS for sound.

Toshiba and Sony are the premium brands but, my experience with the Samsung indicates my dollar went a little further there.
Thanks for the replies. Excellent info.

I got a headache trying to remember all of this. I actually think I'm going to print this page out and bring it in with me to the video store.

I like the brand names mentioned so far: Sony, Toshiba, and Samsung.
They were originally in my list of names, along with Hitachi and JVC. I like those first three, though.

I already have a couple of DVDs to test her out:

The Matrix and

the unrated director's cut of True Romance .

Can't wait.
Some of the units support Kodak picture disc display too. That is kinda neat for sitting around with the family and doing a slide show. For you frat boys, it also works good when you have the picture cd from that bachelor party last weekend.

If you get any unit, make sure it has progressive scan. You'll prolly own some sort of HDTV or plasma screen jobbie sometime down the road, and progressive scan is definitely gonna help.

I love DVD, but I think it is gonna force me and the missus to go out and get that big ass 50-something inch TV soon. Dang thing.
Originally posted by Velitrius
I love DVD, but I think it is gonna force me and the missus to go out and get that big ass 50-something inch TV soon. Dang thing.

It's funny you should say that; I have been hesitant to get a DVD player mainly because it seems almost incompatible with my 25" plain- jane RCA set from 1992. The picture on the TV is still very nice (the old RCAs are top notch sets), but getting a DVD begs an upgrade in all audio-video components.

Furthermore, my favorite types of films-- dramas, suspense, documentaries-- are not typically the genres of film that are exploited on the marvels of digital technology.

Oh well. I still need to get with the 21st century.
The 25" TV we have is circa 1987. Only reason I been able to hook everything up is 'cuz I run it through an Aiwa surround sound set. Actually had to upgrade the VCR when I found out that the one I had wasn't good enuff for the Aiwa.

Work buddy got a DVD and couldn't hook it up. They don't like being routed thru a VHS setup. He went down to buy a new TV that was compatible with everything, but the guy at the store said all he needed was a $20 RF converter. Maybe that is RF inverter. I dunno. Anyways, he was able to hook up his satellite dish, VCR and DVD all thru this thing. He loves it. The guy at the store was obviously not paid by commission. He had him dead to rights on a new TV, but let him off easy.

Komondor, the DVD player I have actually has a surround sound setting. I hit it and I gotta tell ya, the sound that came out of that old '87 set was better than I ever heard before. It has 2 cheezy speakers on the bottom, but it sounded like it was pumping the sound out of four other non-existent speakers. Go figure. Try it, you might just enjoy the hell out of it.
If you have or think that you ever might have any interest in video games you can get a Playstation 2 for under 200 dollars that will play both games and DVDs.

I use my PS2 as a DVD player all the time and the picture and sound are as good as any other DVD that I have seen. You can get a wireless remote setup for about 20 bucks if you don't want to deal with wires.

Almost unbelievably tough too. Mine survived a 10 foot vertical drop onto concrete with only scuffs and dents. Still works like new.
It's hard to go wrong with Sony. Panasonic has always been a good product for me too.

Generally, I tend to buy the same brand DVD player as the TV. That way I only need one remote.
Panasonic DVD-RV32. Best bang for the buck budget DVD player. Do a search on Google and see the many positive reviews it has.
Imho X-BOX runs DVD's a little smoother than my PS2. If you are into games at all both will work. I got my X-BOX at Costco recently for $239.95 with 2 games, 2 controllers( 1 more than normal), and a DVD playback kit( the remote control).:)
I've got a Panasonic 5 disc (CV-51), and am very pleased with it, though it doesn't have some of the features that the newer ones have. Really like my Panasonic VCR, as well. Good products at reasonable prices. Found this at the epinions link Execution Style posted:
Bought my parents a combo VCR/DVD player for Christmas. It's a Sanyo, and I don't know anything about them quality-wise, but it has alot of features, and a well-laid out remote (the features are so similar on all the different brands that I actually bought it because it had the most user-friendly remote). Ran $204 after tax.

btw, I'm a big fan of harman kardon if you've got the bucks-I'm sure they make DVD players, now, but haven't shopped around. If money grew on trees, I'd have all h/k stuff.
I've had a h/k receiver and 5 disc CD changer for 11 years...ha, $1300 for a top opening changer and 2 channel receiver back then:eek:, and both work like they did when new. h/ks are nice, classy looking, well-finished pieces, built like a rock, and the listed specs (specifically power and distortion) are highly underrated.
I bought a medium end sony 6 disc dvd changer. All options are great EXCEPT, it will not play mp3s, cdrs or recorded dvds. After a month of emails Sony replied that they don't make their machines to playback recorded media (which I find odd since you can buy Sony CD-r/DVD-r). Unless they have changed, go for a unit which plays recordable media. Josh
Originally posted by komondor
...I already have a couple of DVDs to test her out:

The Matrix ...

Can't wait.

Belting choice, m8.

Enjoy :) !
Well, I used to buy just about everything Sony... but my Sony DVD player is going nuts on me... when I put a disc in it flashes C 13:00 at me and won't work. GRRRR! I can't find the damn manual and I would be pretty unhappy if I got to go get a new one. Does anybody know what the heck is going on?
When the $300 VCR decided that it wanted to join the rest of the junk, er 'targets' heading out for a desert shoot (Yes, we 'bag' our trash when we're done...) we decided that it was time for a DVD player.

Being that we'd had some really good luck with normally high dollar/high quality 'stuff' like TV's and Microwave oven's at the Dark Star that is Wal-Mart, we looked into DVD players there 1st...

So, after looking at this bewieldering selection of players, I ask the Wal-Martchick which one she thinks is best...turns out she's the 'manager' for that area, and says..."I probably shouldn't tell you this, but that APEX one for $65 has been our most reliable..."

200+ DVD's later, and still going strong, we went back and bought another one as a spare, just in case the 1st one ever goes 'tits up'...works great, price is right.
