What compass do you use?

Jan 7, 2003
I just bought a Recta DP2 at a local camping store for R$45 (Brazilian) which works out to $12 US. They said it had been in the shop forever and that was the original price from back when they imported it. That was a no brainer.

I also use a flat map compass also from Recta.

Once I got to Brazil I discoverd that the inclination on my compass was wrong. I had to go out and buy compasses set up for the southern hemisphere. Mac
I personally use a Silva Ranger..Mirrored cover for sighting or reading with compass held at eye level and adjustable declination. It's served me quite well, though is a bit bulky with the leather case and all. Other family members have Silva's also, though with just the clear plastic rectangular base for laying on a map. For the kits I've got a variety of small button compasses...the smallest being from 'tadgear'...really a great compass in a small size, but the $3 ones from brunton for wrist bands also seem consistant.
I've got a Suunto A-10, the clear plastic kind. For the kit I have a Coghlan's 4-function survival whistle, which includes a button compass with luminous face.
I'm also a Silva Ranger fan. I've tried lots of others, but always end up back with a Ranger.
Stockard and Yale lensatic compass. I find it much easier to use than the liquid filled compasses, and I think the siting is much more accurate. It is also nice to not worry about bubbles, etc., and it locks when travelling to prevent damage.

I do wish that it had some sort of mirror like the liquid filled compasses. That is a mighty handy feature for reasons other than land navigation...
Nexus MC-1 Global.

It has all of the features that the Silva ranger has but the azimuth ring is easier to read because the hatches and numbers are larger. It also has the capability of being properly balanced for both northern AND southern hemispheres.

World travellers take note.
I'm kind of a compass nut, so what I'm carrying may be anything from a Silva keychain model to a Brunton Pocket Transit, but I almost always have one on me.
I have a couple of map compasses from Silva, I'm not sure what models though. They have served me well, and didn't break the bank. I had one with a wheel on it for approximating distances of a route on a topo map, but either it wasn't very accurate or I just couldn't get the hang of it. anybody else have one of these?:confused: :cool: