Photos What custom is in your pocket today?

I always liked andouillette, you can actually identify all the little bits inside!

swine heaters (or large intestines) are slipped over each other. the andouille is (very) long smoke (with beech wood) and dried before cooking. which, it seems,( is not compulsory for industrialists.)
but be important to do it before
the taste is not the same at all
have a good meal ...

NB : Andouille and Andouillette , not the same
Andouillette is yummier than andouille, but I do like some boudin noir!

-The andouilette is eaten warm warmed with Dijon mustard and accompanied by a vegetable or fried potatoes

-The andouille is eaten cold with some gherkins or caper
-Le boudin noir I am lucky to have not far from home one of the best in France.
give me a little time and I'll send you something to eat for a meal
the rest I send you a private message ...

we are going to be in trouble ;)
The top one is in my pocket today:
