What did I miss?

Jan 4, 2016
Hey all.
Near as I can tell, it’s been a couple years since I last checked in here. I have lurked now and then, but have not logged on in a hot minute. I thought I’d stop in and say hello.

Back in the fall of 2021 I sold off all but 3 knives in my knife collection and used the funds to buy a motorcycle. As many of you probably recall, my knife addiction was really a woodworking hobby in disguise anyway. I somehow damaged a rotator cuff in my right shoulder with all the repetitive hand sanding, and ultimately had to hang up the woodworking thing. So the knives got exchanged for the next hobby interest.

Plus with covid all the rage, and the world going to heck, I had to step away from social media. I stayed in touch with a couple folks in the knife community ( SwarthyGnome SwarthyGnome in particular has remained a good friend), but I needed a break from it all and very much needed to focus on some mental health for awhile.

So no knives, and no energy for anything social, I wandered off from Bladeforums for a bit.

Fast forward to November last year. I traded off my motorcycle to get a different style of bike that was more suitable for gravel roads and adventure riding (traffic here in CO finally at a state that road riding is just too nuts for my taste). I was on the maiden voyage on the new bike, on a gravel road and crashed. This shattered my collar bone into 4 separate pieces, and broke 5 ribs for extra credit. Coincidentally this was also my right shoulder, so that was a blessing in disguise (PT has finally sorted out the rotator cuff issue). I was in the hospital for a week, including surgery to put a plate and 12 screws in my shoulder. It looks like a first-grader built a birdhouse in there with nothing but bent nails, but it all went back together. Believe me when I say that the healing and recovery was nothing short of a miracle. I was back at work in no time, and felt amazing in a matter of a few days. I never even needed any pain pills when I got home.

I saw the thread “Always room for improvement” which actually prompted me to post this. Following surgery and PT, I’ve been following a fitness regimen including weight training 5 times a week. I am in better shape and health, physically and mentally, than I have been in years.

No plans to dive back into knives like I once did, but who knows. I did want to pop in though.
the last few years fucked with a lot of people's mental health- I feel you brother it was not an easy time over here, too.
I personally feel there is some irony behind the apparent reality that the CPK subbie has a POSITIVE affect on those who participate in it 😁 . Maybe it's some reverse psychology woowoo bullshit, but the psychologically unhinged gobbledeekgook we all give and get in here seems to help drain the poison- for me at least.
Anyhoo! welcome back:cool:
Hey all.
Near as I can tell, it’s been a couple years since I last checked in here. I have lurked now and then, but have not logged on in a hot minute. I thought I’d stop in and say hello.

Back in the fall of 2021 I sold off all but 3 knives in my knife collection and used the funds to buy a motorcycle. As many of you probably recall, my knife addiction was really a woodworking hobby in disguise anyway. I somehow damaged a rotator cuff in my right shoulder with all the repetitive hand sanding, and ultimately had to hang up the woodworking thing. So the knives got exchanged for the next hobby interest.

Plus with covid all the rage, and the world going to heck, I had to step away from social media. I stayed in touch with a couple folks in the knife community ( SwarthyGnome SwarthyGnome in particular has remained a good friend), but I needed a break from it all and very much needed to focus on some mental health for awhile.

So no knives, and no energy for anything social, I wandered off from Bladeforums for a bit.

Fast forward to November last year. I traded off my motorcycle to get a different style of bike that was more suitable for gravel roads and adventure riding (traffic here in CO finally at a state that road riding is just too nuts for my taste). I was on the maiden voyage on the new bike, on a gravel road and crashed. This shattered my collar bone into 4 separate pieces, and broke 5 ribs for extra credit. Coincidentally this was also my right shoulder, so that was a blessing in disguise (PT has finally sorted out the rotator cuff issue). I was in the hospital for a week, including surgery to put a plate and 12 screws in my shoulder. It looks like a first-grader built a birdhouse in there with nothing but bent nails, but it all went back together. Believe me when I say that the healing and recovery was nothing short of a miracle. I was back at work in no time, and felt amazing in a matter of a few days. I never even needed any pain pills when I got home.

I saw the thread “Always room for improvement” which actually prompted me to post this. Following surgery and PT, I’ve been following a fitness regimen including weight training 5 times a week. I am in better shape and health, physically and mentally, than I have been in years.

No plans to dive back into knives like I once did, but who knows. I did want to pop in though.
Good to hear from you TRfromMT TRfromMT . Glad the mental and physical healing are going well. Rough patches make the good times better. Hope you are through your rough patch.
Hey all.
Near as I can tell, it’s been a couple years since I last checked in here. I have lurked now and then, but have not logged on in a hot minute. I thought I’d stop in and say hello.

Back in the fall of 2021 I sold off all but 3 knives in my knife collection and used the funds to buy a motorcycle. As many of you probably recall, my knife addiction was really a woodworking hobby in disguise anyway. I somehow damaged a rotator cuff in my right shoulder with all the repetitive hand sanding, and ultimately had to hang up the woodworking thing. So the knives got exchanged for the next hobby interest.

Plus with covid all the rage, and the world going to heck, I had to step away from social media. I stayed in touch with a couple folks in the knife community ( SwarthyGnome SwarthyGnome in particular has remained a good friend), but I needed a break from it all and very much needed to focus on some mental health for awhile.

So no knives, and no energy for anything social, I wandered off from Bladeforums for a bit.

Fast forward to November last year. I traded off my motorcycle to get a different style of bike that was more suitable for gravel roads and adventure riding (traffic here in CO finally at a state that road riding is just too nuts for my taste). I was on the maiden voyage on the new bike, on a gravel road and crashed. This shattered my collar bone into 4 separate pieces, and broke 5 ribs for extra credit. Coincidentally this was also my right shoulder, so that was a blessing in disguise (PT has finally sorted out the rotator cuff issue). I was in the hospital for a week, including surgery to put a plate and 12 screws in my shoulder. It looks like a first-grader built a birdhouse in there with nothing but bent nails, but it all went back together. Believe me when I say that the healing and recovery was nothing short of a miracle. I was back at work in no time, and felt amazing in a matter of a few days. I never even needed any pain pills when I got home.

I saw the thread “Always room for improvement” which actually prompted me to post this. Following surgery and PT, I’ve been following a fitness regimen including weight training 5 times a week. I am in better shape and health, physically and mentally, than I have been in years.

No plans to dive back into knives like I once did, but who knows. I did want to pop in though.
Welcome back!
What did you miss you ask?

Well some people just aren't feeling it anymore.
The Boy Scouts went to shit.
EVs still suck ass.
There is still no 2 state solution.
Some think Winklers are too thick; can you believe that?

Seriously though, sorry to hear about your wreck, glad you're better. Welcome back!