What do you think about the STRIDER axe?

Mick built me an axe when I was in Kuwait during the build-up to the war -

On a telescoping ASP baton -

Kydex scabbard -

Compact, fast, great urban edged tool and weapon -

I've seen a couple like that, and they were beauties. I'm glad at least one went to someone actually on duty in the field, but they are useful for other folks too.
There was another one, with several different edges, including a longish spike tail, that was probably the nicest of its kind I've ever seen, but it was $700 - too rich for me. Still, I was dumb for not getting it (shoulda mortgaged the house, I guess).
These axes aren't just for soldiers, LEOs and "mall ninjas". Saying anyone can bang out a decent hawk, hatchet or axe and only folders take skill is like saying all knives are the same, and we all know that ain't so.
I'm surprised Cliff hasn't beaten one of these to death. He probably has detailed data, and he's just being coy ;)
I carried a VTAC in Iraq for a bit. I gotta say, the whole flatter, shorter thing seems like a good idea. Granted, the flatter handle is gonna fatigue your hands sooner, but you're gonna use a hatchet like that maybe once a month, if that. Usually mine was on my assault pack in the back of my guntruck. It seemed like a good idea at the time. If you're doing a lot of TCP stuff, or cordon and search, I could see using one a bit, but if you're doing recon or route security use a good fixed blade and leave it at that is my recommendation, you're buddies will pick on you less. The only reason I got away with the VTAC is that it has an NSN, and we had fun using it to destroy fried electronics (blown x-box 360's). The other guys who tried to carry big scary knives, hawks etc, got teased mercilessly.
Mick built me an axe when I was in Kuwait during the build-up to the war -

On a telescoping ASP baton -

Kydex scabbard -

Compact, fast, great urban edged tool and weapon -

Axes are very narrow market for most makers / production houses -

One thing for sure - I haven't owned a Strider yet that didn't perform to spec and statement -



How about some pics of the axe? Send me an email