What do you use to clean your G10?


Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Jan 8, 2021
I've always cleaned stains out of micarta with a bit of mineral oil, but only recently have I been dabbling in orange textured g10, and my denim jeans seem to be staining it.

Curious as to what others are using to keep their G10 looking crisp!

Always appreciated.
I clean all my handles with dawn dish washing detergent. I cant get any G10 that I own to stain/patina at all. I wish it would...

Well thats good news to me, I dont mind a patina on micarta but I want my g10 looking fresh.

Will definitely try some dawn and a toothbrush. Thanks fellas
I've never had a need to clean any G10 but, if I did, I'd use the toothbrush/soap approach.

And, in order to "restore" the luster of dried out G10, I use WD-10, which Sal Glesser of Spyderco says is what they have used to do the same, and it works well for this purpose on all of my vintage G10 handled Kershaws/ZTs and Spydercos.
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I've never had a need to clean any G10 but, if I did, I'd use the toothbrush/soap approach.

And, in order to "restore" the luster of dried out G10, I use WD-10, which Sal Glesser of Spyderco says is what they have used to do the same, and it works well for this purpose on all of my vintage G10 handled Kershaws/ZTs and Spydercos.

Thanks Sarge, that WD-10 is a nice tip!
G10 is overrated. My original Pa2 digital camo auto-discolored from bright crisp to dark digital camo, just by sitting packaged in the armoire. didn't know that one has to airtight-seal the package in order to preserve the exfactory G10 color grades. disappointing.

dishwasher soap doesn't get the brightness back.

never mind. was just commenting. same as complaining that the noon sky turns dark blue at dusk lol
For a deep clean, especially if a light colored G10 has taken on the color of a darker material, from jeans or a leather sheath, try some lacquer thinner on a cotton pad and rub the G10. That ought to pull out the stain, and it will also pull out oils from your hand.
My Reate black linen micarta started out with white speckling throughout, beautiful bird feather like, but has quickly become pure black in sploches except of corse behind clip, bought some Dawn to see if I can get it back to beautiful. If so, then to seal it...? maybe polyurethane?