What do you use your EDC's for?

Jan 17, 2003
Assuming you actually carry them for daily use, what do you guys use your EDC's for?

My own requirements are pretty simple. I work in an office and live in deepest, darkest suburbia.:yawn: Here's how it breaks down:
Kershaw Chive - Opening letters and packages, occasionally cutting tags off of gifts or loose threads from clothing.
Victorinox Classic - Use the scissors for cutting loose threads and sometimes use the tweezers and toothpick for "miscellaneous" duties.:p
Leatherman Wave - Any industrial use from light woodwork and home repair to on site service for the business.

I am looking for one more "regular use" knife for MA practice / self defense.

So, what do the hardcore Knife-Knuts actually use their bades for?


I carry my BM556 everyday of the week without fail at work and at home...although occasionally I'll carry my others for fun or dressy occasions(Mouse, Navigator, BM940, SOG Sculptura, SAK) the Benchmade mini grip is basically "my knife".
At work, I use it for anything and everything, I strip and cut wire with it, clean fingernails, cut boxes, zip ties, cut apples, light prying, whittling the workbenches(bosses hate this), at home I use it for opening mail a bunch too.
I wish I had more uses for my EDC. My secretary opens my packages and mail before I see them. I use my EDC for cutting thread, cutting photos out of magazines, the occassional envelope when I can beat my secretary to it and at home I use my folders for kitchen duty a lot. They also come in handy opening those tough plastic bags that snacks come in as well as blister packs.
Hacking at two by fours, cutting insulation, felt, cardboard, lunch, "cleaning my thumbnail" when one of my coworkers is being a dink, cutting rubber, leather and generally abusing the heck out of the blades hoping I can invent an excuse to get a new knife.:D
Away from work, I do all the normal stuff like opening mail and packages, breaking down boxes, cutting string, maybe some fruit. Got several knives that are more than adequate for that.
At work, my uses are a little rougher, cutting heavy duty hose and line that's usually muddy or full of gunk, plastic sheeting, zip ties, heavy reinforced paper, some prying, tearing through large (and thick) cardboard containers full of grit, wedging things apart. Everything from cutting up against metal objects to scraping my boots clean.
BM 710HS gets used more than anything else, right now. It seems to do pretty much everything, and do it well.
Leatherman SuperTool 200 gets daily carry, too, since I use the pliers and screwdrivers several times a day.
Here lately I find myself carrying the same pair away from work, even though I've got other stuff that is nicer, and I actually like more. Guess it's about being comfortable with particular tools. Some kind of security blanket...thing.

edit: I always have a DDR CF ArcLite around my neck:)
Anything and everything....
-Cutting open mail and packages
-Breaking down boxes so they will fit the trash bettter
-Cutting tiewraps on cables/wiring
-Sharpening pencils for the student workers (none of them even THINK about carrying a knife of any sort :eek: )
-Opening bags of coffee (we go through 50-60 pounds of dark roast a year for the computer room, so this is a regular chore)

I have found that when eating lunch in a bad part of downtown, I am never interrupted when I use my C48 Wegner or BM550 Gtiptillian to cut my eggrolls (and leave it laying on napkin next to my plate when I am not using it)!:D
You mean you're actually supposed to use them???!!!:eek: :eek: ;)

I use mine like most people here. Mostly mundane tasks that require, or sometimes don't necessarily require cutting, like opening mail, opening boxes, breaking down the occasional box, cutting loose threads. I have had to use them quite a few times to cut seatbelts off of wreck victims, but now I use my BM Model 5 rescue hook for that and removing patient's clothes to expose injuries, or gain access to their arms and chest. I have even used my Kershaw Chive to shave hair off a couple guy's chests in order to obtain a 12 lead EKG and determine if they are having a heart attack. Stuff like that. I could probably get by without carrying a knife, but they do make my every day tasks much easier.

Hiking, camping, opening stuff.., cleaning my nails.., "fun".., and self defense if need be (hopefully not).. :(

"Hunters seek what they [WANT].., Seekers hunt what they [NEED]"
I use my EDC to cut everyday stuff. The same kind of stuff that people try and use their car keys to cut.
Except for cleaning my nails and cutting oranges, I really don't know what I use my EDC for. Why do I by so many knives? Maybe that should be the next thread.
-self defense
-cutting vegitables, meat
-opening mail, packages
-trimming my fingernails
-sharpening pencils
-cutting rope
-opening cans or bottles (with my multi-tool)
-cutting my fingers
-and mostly anything that needs to be cut or opened cleanly
My first "real" knife after owning a bazillion old slipjoints, lockbacktype knives etc, was a Benchmade 556.
I bought it for one purpose:
to "take care" of a certain non-leashed Large Male Akita that had squared off with me on several occasions in the sidewalk of my old apartments out in AZ, I thought if it ever came down to it, this dog is going to be ribbons when Im done with him! Oddly enough, just days after recieving my shiny new BM, i was bitten on the right shoe by a little unleashed Pug! he gave no warning that little f'r, no barks, no growls, nothin! I thought it was funny though.
thankfully I never had to use it for other than the everyday crap i mentioned above!
Now, I am thoroughly ruined from visiting this place looking for opinions on that particular knife.:D
Originally posted by Sticky
Oddly enough, just days after recieving my shiny new BM, i was bitten on the right shoe by a little unleashed Pug! he gave no warning that little f'r, no barks, no growls, nothin!

Are you sure it bit you? My wife's pug can't open its mouth wide enough for any part of my shoe. Maybe it was just the impact of the blind little pack-o-fierceness that you felt :-)

I use mine for much of the above that has already been named and listed. I also carry it because it is a little different from what you see most people carrying and that gives me a little bit of pride of ownership. Sorta like having a Rolex. Another reason I carry the edc I do is the workmanship in the knife. Sometimes I just pull the knife from my pocket and just look at the fit and finish of everything, the lockup, the design and so on. My edc's are always looking nice but they are used, it is just that my task's don't always match up to the knife's ability!! My two primary edc's are:

--Obenauf large model 2 framelock
--J.W. Smith Scimitar

Do have a J.W. Smith LDC-5 coming back from John this week after being modified that will also be in the rotation.
My story is pretty similar to those already mentioned: cutting string off clothing, opening boxes with new knives :), opening packages (I swear some of these things are nuclear-proof :rolleyes: ), and general around-the-house tasks. I did however find a new use the other day for a William Henry lancet -- toothpick. Although I did it with nobody else around, I still feel like a redneck. What's next, coondogs? :)

- Mark
Mostly to break down boxes and cartons at work, and open those plastic wrapped packages. Around the house pretty much doing the recycling, cuting out articles and mostly just enjoying the feel and look.

That's what most of this is about, isn't it.:D
Instead of slitting open boxes I usually just cut the end off, opening mail, cutting small branches, cutting rattlesnakes out of tennis netting, cutting through seatbelts, cutting nylon rope, self defense (when walking through a house with an alarm going off at 2 in the morning) and thats just at work...