What does EDC stand for?

Jul 20, 2001
OK, please don't flame a newbie to this forum, but what does EDC stand for? I figure from the context in which I've seen it used that it's something to do w/favorite weapon, and probably ends in "... of Choice" but I'll be danged if I can figure out the first two letters. Anyone? :confused:

Also, I see a number of other seemingly arcane acronyms being tossed about which I could also use some help understanding. Does somebody know of a URL to a glossary that I could use? ;)

Thanks for any help you can give me - I'm glad I found these forums, since I have a great interest in many of the topics found here.
EDC stands for "Every Day Carry". It is the knife that you carry most often.:).
It took me awhile to figure that out. Grin.

I finally searched on "EDC" throughout the forums and kept going till I figured it out.
Electrified Dog Carrier

Elastic Dork Container

Energised Dwarf Catapult

Ebullient Door Closer

European Dipper of Cheese

And the list goes on and on...
Welcome DK, you're going to see a lot of BTTT which stands for Back To The Top to bring a thread to a more favorable position. You're also going to see a lot of Makes an Modles Codes for different knives or abbreviations for company names, (BM = Benchmade and CRK = Chris Reeve Knives or CRK&T = Colombia River Knife & Tool). Don't worry too much about it the longer you hang out here the more you'll figure those out, and which ones you need to know.

As far as a URL for computer abbreviations try this one.
Geez, I thought EDC stood for Enemy Door Cat, but Every Day Carry makes so much more sense. I bet B&M doesn't stand for what I thought either. :D
E = Embarassed

D = de

C = cay

Just messing with you dude!!!

Welcome to BFC!!!(BladeForums.com):p

:DThe Raptor:D
BTW, I got my CRKT KN at a B&M, I should have waited and got a BM at 1SKS, IMHO that CRKT is a POS!



Excellently Done Custom?

Expensive Darn Custom?

Expensive and Dumb to Carry?:o
www.acronymfinder.com is usually a good place to check. They didn't have our definition of EDC, but they do have a form that will allow you to submit an acronym, so I did :)

Here's other EDC's:
Earliest Documented Cover (philately)
Early Display Capability (FAA)
Eastern Distribution Center
Economic Development Commission
Economic Development Conveyance
Effective Date of Change
Electrical Discharge
Electron Devices Conference (IEEE)
Electronic Diesel Control
Electronic Digital Computer
Endocrine-Disrupting Compound
Engineering Design Council
Environmental Data Converter
Environmental Dynamics Complexity (DARPA)
EROS Data Center
Error Detecting Code
Error Detection & Correction
Estimated Date of Completion
Ethylene Dichloride
Euro-Drive Clutches Inc.
European Defense Community
Executive Director for Certification
Expected Date of Confinement
Exploratory Development Committee
Export Development Corporation (Canada)
External Database Coordination
What I can't figure out, Steve-O, is why you'd purchase your knife from Boston & Maine Railroad - they're not premium knife vendors, TTBOMK. Maybe it's a POS because it's NTRD. :D

Thanks for all the replies, folks! Here's a question on a topic that has to be near & dear to most of our hearts: where can one find state & local ordinances on knife carry laws (size, display, type, when & where, etc.)? There's got to be one or more online sources for this kind of info and this seems like the best place to pose the Q.
Check out Bernard Levine'sKNIFE LAWS of the 50 STATES - Introduction and LINKS. It's the best, and IMHO, the easist to read webpage that I've come across on this subject. But, as Steve22595 has already suggested, you should check out the "Knife Laws" forum and maybe post this question there. You should get a better response there with a seperate post for this particular question than you will here within this post.

--The Raptor--