What does this look like

I guess the plagarists found some loophole in the Spyderco patent.
:rolleyes: :( :mad: :barf: :grumpy:

I tried using foul language the first time but the software censored the words even though they were true; lets see if some synonyms or alternate spellings work:
asssholle, arsehole.
Page 92 of the Spyderbook shows Sal's patent for the Civilian. Under 'claim' it says "The ornamental design for a knife blade, as shown." This is in addition to the patent on page 90 which declares Spyderco the owner of the overall knife design.

I'm not an attorney, but it sounds like Spyderco owns the patent on the blade shape (in addition to the overall knife design). Am I mistaken?
Nevermind, the author answers my question on page 89. "The blade and accompanying handle have been awarded two patents."
Gee! Could it be that CS has cast away their high ethical practices we have all come to know and love???

You know, I hate to be that guy, but that really looks pretty different to me. It's got a similar, not identical by any means, blade shape and a completely different handle.
It is different, OK, but I'd bet it's inspired from the Civie. :( Sometimes those knockoffs are really nice and have the eye appeal, but they are not the real thing. How could they be? At 9$ a "SS Navigator", you realize it's made somewhere into a who knows what former chinese horseshoe workshop. ;)
It's different (similar but not identical), but according to the Spyderco Story, which I also own, the patent covered "reverse s-curve" blade shapes. This clearly shows that shape, rather than the traditional hawkbill, and I think that's why everyone is up in arms about it.

This would seem to be patent infringement, but there are always loopholes to be found.
Cold Steel is already at the top my my $hit list because of what they did to ATC but this just makes matters worse. Cold Steel useta have new and innovative designs but now they just tend to copy everybody else and they charge as much as what they are copying, I wouldnt be surprised if this knife costs as much as the civie.
I actually like the looks of it. I have never been a big fan
of Cold Steel, but at the same time I have always wanted
a Civilian/Matriarch type blade in a black finish. This one
looks like it might have a stronger tip strength as well.

Nice find, thanks for sharing.
Originally posted by Revolvergeek
May not be illegal, but it sure does seem tacky......

That was how I felt. Reminds me of people that plagarise something for an essay/article (whatever) and then make one or two little (read: insignificant) changes and then say 'look at my original work'.

:( :barf: :barf:

Just my $0.02, but it seems lazy, greedy and manipulative (like the s-h-i-t with ATC)
The maker of that knife may be paying royalties to Spyderco. Take a look at page 163 in the Spyderco Story.