What is going on in the cantina? Any news?

Book your flight, Man. And put Vanessa in your suitcase but we won't tell Yangdu what you have in your luggage.
Other news:

Bill has been so bad he had to get his own chaplin;

Ics and Geezer are competing to see who can accumulate the most khuks in the shortest time;

Fedrico and Bruise are forming a Wagon Train of shopping carts to Reno for the Convention in March;

Turns out, Rusty is a retired(?) Bank Robber;

Pendative put together an enormously comprehensive portfolio of HI khuks and shapes and designs;

OH, and Brendan is seriously thinking of riding around in a restored 1969 Ford Mustang convertible car, while his fiance drives, so he can shoot a bow.

Pretty much routine.

Ics and Geezer are competing to see who can accumulate the most khuks in the shortest time;

Puff, Puff, I'm running out of wind. :) Still have a couple on back order. I like them, what can I say!:) :) Works of art by BirGorka , hardy tools, sturdy, excellent weapons, and on and on.
As to your ripples/nipples question, Unc., you need to do like the oldtime safecrackers and sand the coarse skin off your fingertips and keep the tender skin left oiled and sensitive either way (Rusty post):D :eek: :D


( neck knife by John Primble, longtime purveyors of extra-fine quality castrating knives )



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Originally posted by BruiseLeee
Not much... :o

There's a khukuri convention in Reno March something.

I only wish I could come! Is there any other conventions coming this year or should I wait until the next year?


Originally posted by Bill Martino
Book your flight, Man. And put Vanessa in your suitcase but we won't tell Yangdu what you have in your luggage.

Amu Bill,

Unfortunately I cannot make it this year! I could come later and take Vanessa with me but you should make sure that Yangdu would not get mad at me:(


Originally posted by Kismet
Other news:

Bill has been so bad he had to get his own chaplin;

Ics and Geezer are competing to see who can accumulate the most khuks in the shortest time;

Pretty much routine.

I see very very interesting news, you do not know how much I miss the cantina! Lately I have been very busy but this place is really lovely, thank you to all of you, you are really nice.

