What is going on with the Kandahar?

David Brown

Kydex Sheath and Holster Artist :)
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Jun 4, 2001
I heard about this blade about 6 months ago read about it in Blade & Tactical Knives but have not heard much since just wondering when it will be available? :confused:
I would like to know the same thing? Looks like a great fixed blade, unfortunatly, seems to exist only on the emerson web site!!
I have a Custom Ground Kandahar #37 that I purchased at the Blade Show 2002 from Emerson. This is a very sturdy piece, with great balance and feel. In posting photos of several Emerson Fixed Blades the Kandahar is often mentioned as one of the best designs.

I have not heard when the production version may be released.