First of all, speaking as a loyal Canadian, our gun laws suck. The current, Liberal government brought in a law a few years ago which is intended to register all guns in Canada (handguns have been registered since 1932, without any discernable effect on crime, of course). So you can't pack one (legally), although the Prime Minister, a pathetic hypocrit who assaulted a hapless protester during the last election campaign (thankfully, his guards got his victim away before he was seriously injured -- they had to buy the poor guy some new dental work, though), wielded an Inuit soapstone carving to defend himself and his wife when a knife-bearing lunatic broke into the prime ministerial residence in Ottaw a couple of years ago (the Mounties supposedly guarding the place were out having coffee and doughnuts or something). So you could legally defend yourself with a soapstone carving, the PM having set the precedent. The gun laws are sinking under their own weight, thankfully, although the government continues to lie about the cost of registering a firearm, along with just about everything else. Incidentally, according to the new gun law you can get up to 10 years for failing to register, so you'd be better off committing murder -- you'd probably be out in three or four years. The majority of the provinces and territories in Canada have challenged the gun law in Supreme Court, so there may be hope, at least if the highest court in the land hasn't been packed by the current government (no bets). As for grizzlies, they are far more plentiful in British Columba, although there is some strictly controlled grizzly hunting in Alberta. If you're serious about hunting them, a .338 is the minimum recommended, although plenty have been killed with a .30-06 and even .30-30s. Myself, I'd go with the .416 Rigby.
[This message has been edited by Alberta Ed (edited 14 September 1999).]
[This message has been edited by Alberta Ed (edited 14 September 1999).]