Originally posted by Dave Fulton
No matter what art you're thinking of, it is very difficult to assess the depth of skill of a teacher. It becomes exponentailly more difficult if you are not well versed in that art, or at least well versed in other arts because you do have not point of reference.
My best suggestion is to go and meet, talk to and (if possible) work out with any teacher in the area that you think is within a distance that you would find reasonable for regular travel. When you talk to the teacher you should be trying to determine whether the personalities and goals of the teacher (and students) fit your own. You can discuss their teaching credentials, but this is a tough area because teaching credentials are a pretty recent issue so some very good teachers don't have any (or any that would be well known to the average person) and some have fabricated credentials ... sometimes far beyond their skill level.
Here are a few of the questions that you should ask yourself:
1.) Do you think that you'd enjoy being around them on a regular basis?
2.) Do their goals fit your own?
3.) Do they take training seriously but still enjoy themselves?
4.) Are they respectful of each other and of other people in the MA community, i.e. do they bad mouth other teachers?
Basically, it's not much different from trying to decide whether or not you want to work for a particular company. Talk, look, listen, use common sense and if something just doesn't feel right, then leave.
You mentioned Dave Wink in Frederick. He's my teacher, so if you're interested in coming by, please just let me know.
Best of luck,
Dave Fulton