What is the longest that you have waited for a knife?

Jan 7, 1999
What is the longest that you have waited for a knife and was it worth it in the end. Thanks for your time.
Never waited! As soon as I hear of a new knife, my order is in.

The longest I have ever waited after placing an order was for the C.S. Gunsite Folder. I placed it as soon as COLD STEEL announced it. I believe it was about 2 months later that it was released and finally got it.

Very happy with it!


I ordered a CR Large Sebenza directly from CR Knives about 3 months ago. It's supposed to be ready this week----waiting for Anne to tell me it's in the mail.

I really didn't mind the wait, I needed the time to save up my pennies to pay for it.


Ever since I had my first look at the CR large Sebenza I've wanted one. That was over two years ago.
I was finally able to get my hands on one last October, just one week after I returned home from the ROK.
Let me say this it was worth the wait, as I got the new model with the BG-42.
I couldn't be happier.

The only problem is now I have to get mor CR knives. First the small Sebenza, then a fixed blade, then....

Norwegian Misfit

"For the word of GOD is quick and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword...." Hebrews 4:12

[This message has been edited by William Johnson (edited 18 February 1999).]
Ordered a knife back in May of last year. Still waiting. I know what I'm getting and I already have the same one so I can wait.

I think I waited about four months from my initial order for my Krait. I waited about six months for a Black Cloud Fighting Bowie, but that was because I changed my mind about steels. I think I still have an order in for a custom Ernest Emerson, placed in July '96. I have heard that Bill Bagwell's wait for a Hell's Belle Bowie is about two years, and that Al Polkowski is backordered about eighteen months. I also think I read that Bob Loveless is delivering knives for the same price quoted eight years ago.

A couple of months is nothing really.

Three years. Thankfully the waiting list was that long, since it took me about 2 1/2 years to save for it. The maker was Dellana Warren and her waiting list is even a little longer now.

[This message has been edited by Gus Kalanzis (edited 18 February 1999).]
HAHA Gotcha beat Gus I am still waiting for my Stealth Auto by Gil Hibben. It will look much like the plane. I have been waiting damn near 5 years.

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

Hi Mike,
I sent some more pics to Spark.
Ask him to send you the one with the light purple cloth background. Dellana's knife was made for my X. She decided to remain a semi- functional heavy drinker. I decided to keep the knife.
It is on the top of page 55 of Knives 99.
Mad Dog YFA3, initial promised 1 month. Waited 1 year. I was above to give up when and take the refund offer from the dealer when it showed up.

Back in the 80's I waited 2-3 years for my Randall Model 1. I think their wait is down to 1 year now. I did get quick service from Randall when I had the knife re-handled to a black micarta single finger grip shape handle.


5 years! I would have forgotten what I ordered by then.


It is a really wild peice and I asked Gil to make it at his leisure. So there really is no rush.

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

Well, I guess I' m a little bit more fortunate than some. Just short of 7 weeks from Canada. I understand their delivery system sucks so you really have to be patient. I can' t believe I' m about to do it again!


"To earn a million is easy, a real friend is not."
Does a knife catalog counts? Well, two months from KnifeCenter.com and still counting (but I was already billed $17) ...
Does a knife catalog counts? Well, two months from KnifeCenter.com and still counting (but I was already billed $17)...
About...5 days or so...and I have about 2-5 days left to go. Gah, now I've got the shakes.
10 months into a 18 month wait for a Griffin auto;
wire rope damascus blade, engraved bolsters top and bottom, full filework, center of handle release, ivory micarta scales...nuff said?
