Some time ago, Ontario sourced their 5160 steel from WTI, which I think is now bankrupt (keep me honest). Since then, the 5160 they have been using is at least ok. I have not had issues with it, but also have not used it extensively. I have heard that WTI had a unique process for the removal of phosphorus from the steel or at least the minimization of it. The process left with the company because steel manufacturers generally do not cater to knife makers (only a handful do).
That being said, the original SP50, from one of the first runs...was incredible! I batoned it through a nasty piece of wood with many knots. It did almost an s-curve in the log and then popped out straight, still sharp. I still have it today. I have owned almost every one of the Spec-plus Gen IIs and the SP50 is my fav. I have two of them, one older (the original) and one from a newer run, post WTI. It seems to work fine, but again have not tested it that hard.