What kind of kukri Ghurkas have now in equipment ?

Jun 4, 1999

Could someone tell me answer on this question ? I am courious because I*ve heard for one kukri here that left after their withdraw from my country (they were part of UN contigent in region). I am going to find that piece and take some pics but need some closer informations about what Ghurkas wear in present.

Hi Kurdy: I think in combat situations or situations that could turn into combat they can still use what they please but a 15 inch 1.25 pound khukuri, a plain version of our BAS is standard issue at present, I think.

In the Indian Army Gorkhas carry the khukuri of their own choice except for inspection and parade.

Blessings from the computer shack in Reno.

Uncle Bill
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OK, Kurdy, this is interesting as we might have a shot at figuring it out.

Who, what, when, where, why, how? Pictures?

Get as much of it's story as you can. Locate where it changed hands, why, which British Ghurka forces were in the area. If it was a presentation, a dress uniform, or a field khukuri.

" Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you. " Carl Jung

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OK. I*ll tell you as much as I know till now.
I am from Croatia. It is small country in SE Europe. We were in war for indepedence from 1991. - 1995. We fought our indepedence (from Yugoslavia) finally during two major operations in may and august 95. Operations were called "Lightning" (may) and "Storm"(august). We fought against ex-Yugoslavian forces: Yugoslavian People Army (here called JNA) and paramilitary forces of croatian Serbs (who were against croatian indepedence - they are minority in Croatia).
So after first peace negotiations during winter 91/92. UN came to separate sides in war and within that UN forces (called UNPROFOR) were british contigent in Sector East. During operation "Lightning" our forces defeated enemy and clear the region of enemy forces. In one of its camps some Ghurka units were stationed and - as I know till now - they were withdrawn from that location under fire and war mess. One of our soldiers (special forces member) found a knife left after Ghurkas withdrawal. I*ll tell you details as soon as I reach that guy. Also I*ll get a picture of that knife. I have heard that he would like to sell it for some 150 - 200 USD. Don*t know if it is good price because I don*t know origin of kukri.

Sorry for waiting on answer, but I don*t have a computer at home and can reply only during working time and that is between 2.00 AM and 10.00 AM your eastern time. Also sorry for mistakes in language.

Don't worry about the occassional misunderstanding. You are a lot better in English than my mom is anymore in Hungarian ( which the four sisters of the family used to use when they didn't want the kids to understand ).

More info on exact place ( names of towns in area and distance and direction to the spot from the towns, or geographic lattitude and longitude ), date and time the Gurkhas occupied the position, etc. might help. I can't put a price on it. As a generic tool, without a provenance is one thing. With documentation from the folks who found it saying specifics and adding your sense of national pride, I'd think it was worth trying to get people to donate money to buy and put it in a museum as a piece of your history. Especially if more information could be added.

Then again I know almost as much about your area of europe as I do of the Paiute language. Or Hungarian. That doesn't mean I have a good point or that I don't have one. Go get opinions down at the local tavern during the first round after work, and again about closing time and my opinion ought to be worth somewhere in between. Maybe Uncle or John Powell can eventually guess.

" Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you. " Carl Jung

H I Forum posts to date: Active Forum Archive I Archive II = 36,000+
H I Office # (775) 825-2279

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[This message has been edited by Rusty (edited 01-25-2001).]
Thanks Rusty.

For now I only know exact location of the place: 45*30N - 17*30E or 260km south of Budapest and 320km southeast of Wiena. All other infos you*ll get after I contact this guy. Then I*ll take pic. He is out of town now.

Hi Kurdy; good luck transfering the khuk to currency. I would not bet on US $100.00.

Understand grid cooridinates.

Which side were you guys on again?

Which side are we on?

Was that the same side?

[This message has been edited by FNG (edited 01-27-2001).]