• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

    Traditional Knife Information Thread - make sure you go in there and read up.

    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

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What knives do you have 2 or more of?


Gold Member
Jan 5, 2003
Although I have 100+ knives, I only have dupes of three of them: Spyderco Endura w/Black Ti coating, Gerber A/F full-size folder, and Microtech LCC M/A.

I bought two Spydercos because it was a "twofer" deal at Cutlery Shoppe. As for the Gerber, soon after I bought my first A/F, my friend told me that they were on sale on base - I think it was only $45, so I figured, why not? I have two LCCs because, in my opinion, it is hands-down the finest production knife made (even better than my MOD CQD); I fell in love with the knife the first time I handled it. If I had more money, I'd buy more (a D/A version, perhaps?)

Anyone else have more than one of a certain knife or knives? Why? Any knives you wish you had more of?
94x Benchmades, 1 941 and 4 CFD2941's..I'm keeping the 940 and one of the Limited edition 941's. The rest will go to cover the price of the 2 keepers. Love the 94x knives.
Im also seriously considering a Mouse II to keep my original Mouse company.

I also have Outdoor edges wedge and wedge II and a SAK camper and a tiny SAK(which says monsanto on it) Non are really dupes but close:rolleyes: :D
I'm gonna get like a dozen Kershaw Blackouts. I'll keep 4 in my cargo pants, 2 in my jacket, 1 in each shoe, 1 on my hat, 1 clipped on my shirt, and 1 in each ear. :rolleyes:
I ordered the first one and a week after the first arrived the second one showed up. I thought I was going to have to send it back. Then I got some unexpected cash for Christmas. I was sitting up one night trying to figure out what to get when I looked down at the second siru. "Keep me" she whispered. So now I have a wood and a horn handle. Shipping fluke or karma? At any rate, I have two.

Microtechs 26 total Socoms,Amphibians,LCC DAs,
Vectors, Halo IIs, Kestrel
5 Scott Cook's
5 Kershaw's
4 Neil Blackwood's
4 Dozier's
3 Darrel Ralph's

onsie's and twosie's of everything else. :)
I have two 940s and two 806D2s. The one 940 is Pre-Prod. 11/1000, so I think I'll keep that one. The 806 is actually NIB and up for sale.

I don't really have duplicates of my knives.
I've long been a fan of having a backup of an item I like a lot, and then a backup for the backup.

I currently don't own nearly as many knives as many here do -- probably hovering between 10 and 20 of them, of various quality, with no customs or $200-$500 jobbies.

I have, let's see, something like six or so Spyderco Delicas. My first one was a 60/40 and is kinda beat up. Three others are also plastic clip, one of those is straight and the others combos. I have a metal clip combo, and a blue FRNR handle metal clip combo. Then there's the Copilot and the Walker lightweight liner-lock.

I also have two CRKT Neck Pecks. I don't like the idea of not having a backup of an EDC type knife, because if one gets lost or broken, I want to be able to go home and immediately have it to carry again. Yeah, it borders on an obsession. :p
3 Vaquero Grandes
2 El Hombres
3 Large plain-edge clip point Voyagers
3 Medidum serrated clip point Voyagers
2 710 M&W's (one plain, one BT coated)
2 730 Ares (one G10/154CM, one 730CFHS)
2 921 Switchbacks
2 941 (one Purple handled 154CM, one 941D2CF)
3 very similar Jaguar butterfly knives
Only knife I have two of are Kershaw Vapors (both early Japan built models).

I consider the Japan knives better based on my China VaporII... it isn't quite up to the standards of the Vapors. CLOSE! but not there.
I have a few Leatherman utility/tool kits. Wave, Supertool, Micras. I got 3 Delicas and 2 Natives also. I am going to buy the CF Delica also. So i will have 4 Delicas.